- Do not touch anything else other than listed here unless you know what you are doing.
- If you are using an Android device, you should use a suitable script editor for making necessary modifications on fzip.sh (only tested using DroidEdit).
- If you are on windows, use a compatible text editor (e.g. gedit, Notepad++) to modify fzip.sh. Using a non-supported program like notepad or wordpad likely results the damage of this script.
Replace project-name with your project name (please-enter-without-space).
Replace project-version with your project-version (please-enter-without-space).
Replace copyright your copyright text (please-enter-without-space).
Please provide exact path to the boot partition of your device
Please provide the exact system/app(s) name(s) (should be case sensitive). Please leave as such (APP1="") if you do not have a folder to be added to system/app APP1="" APP2="" APP3="" APP4="" APP5=""
Please enter y (APP="y") if you want to add an app(s) directly to /system/app/ (without a separate folder).
Please provide the exact system/priv-app(s) name(s) (should be case sensitive). Please leave as such (PRIV_APP1="") if you do not have a folder to be added to system/priv-app PRIV_APP1="" PRIV_APP2="" PRIV_APP3="" PRIV_APP4="" PRIV_APP5=""
Please enter y (APP="y") if you want to add an app(s) directly to /system/priv-app/ (without a separate folder).
Please enter y (LIBRARY="y") if you want to add .so file(s) to /system/lib/ (or /system/vendor/lib/ for Android Oreo onwards)
Please enter y (MODULES="y") if you want to add .ko file(s) to /system/lib/modules/ (or /system/vendor/lib/modules/ for Android Oreo onwards)
Please enter y (FRAMEWORK="y") if you want to add .jar file(s) to /system/framework/
Please enter n (DEV_MSG="n") if you want to hide thanks message by the developer from your recovery zip.