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<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><title>Coviz</title><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1"><link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet"></head><body><main><section class="text-section intro"><h1>Visualizing Covid-19 in Canada</h1><p>In this article, we would like to help the reader understand how the virus of COVID19 spread through Canada, and more specifically, we would like to look at the evolution of the infection rate in Canada. We propose a few visualizations that helps to understand how the virus spread through groups of specific age ranges and genders and how it moved through the country.</p></section><section class="viz-section w1"><div class="steps"><section><h1>Confirmed cases</h1><p>The ratio of Canadian infected people to the population of Canada</p></section></div><div class="viz" id="w1"></div></section><section class="viz-section w2"><div class="steps"><section><h1>Hospitalized cases</h1><p>The ratio of Canadian hospitalized people to the population of confirmed cases</p></section></div><div class="viz" id="w2"></div></section><section class="viz-section w3"><div class="steps"><section><h1>Dead cases</h1><p>The ratio of Canadian dead people to the population of confirmed cases</p></section></div><div class="viz" id="w3"></div></section><section class="text-section connected"><h1>Spread of the pandemic for the different provinces</h1><p>How did Covid-19 spread through Canada? What were the provinces with the first cases and how did the contamination evolve?</p></section><section class="viz-section connected"><div class="steps"><section><h1>First cases in Canada</h1><p>British Columbia (BC) and Ontario (ON) were the first provinces to identify cases.</p></section><section><h1>A similar evolution</h1><p>In both provinces, we witnessed the same evolution, two to three days apart. The number of cases grew exponentially.</p></section><section><h1>Québec explosive growth</h1><p>As Québec's (QC) first cases arrived a month later, the number of contaminated people in this province soon surpassed every other</p></section><section><h1>Current situation</h1><p>Today, as Canada has reached 100 000 cases, Québec (QC) and Ontario (CA) are the only 2 provinces to be over 10 000 cases, soon to be joined by Alberta (AB).</p></section></div><div class="viz" id="connected"></div></section><section class="text-section heatmap"><h1>A closer look at Québec and Ontario</h1><p>Québec and Ontario are the hardest-hit provinces in Canada. But, have their populations been affected in the same way?</p></section><section class="viz-section heatmap"><div class="steps"><section><h1>Evolution through age ranges in Québec</h1><p>In Québec, older populations were hit more strongly. But, one can also notice there is a pool of contaminations for age ranges between 40 and 70.</p></section><section><h1>Ontario, a similar but softer pattern</h1><p>In Ontario, the outbreak followed the same pattern but was more contained and older populations recovered faster.</p></section></div><div class="viz" id="heatmap"></div></section><section class="text-section stackedBarChart"><h1>Evolution of the pandemic depending on age groups</h1><p>COVID-19 spread differently according to the age range we consider.<br>Let's take a look at how the contaminations are divided through these different age groups and how this repartition evolved!</p></section><section class="viz-section stackedBarChart"><div class="steps"><section><h1>Repartition through Canadian regions</h1><p>As seen before, Québec and Ontario are the provinces with the most cases. We can also see that in Québec the proportion of cases over 80 years old is particularly high (more than in the other regions).<br><br><b>QC</b> = Québec<br><b>ON & NU</b> = Ontario and Nunavut<br><b>Prairies</b> = Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba and the Northwest Territories<br><b>BC & YT</b> = British Columbia and Yukon<br><b>Atlantic</b> = New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador</p></section></div><div class="viz" id="stackedBarChart"></div></section><section class="viz-section LineChart_age"><div class="steps"><section><h1>Evolution of the spread through age ranges</h1><p>Let's take a look at the evolution for each age range in Quebec!</p><p>The number of cases under 19 years old is way under every other age category. The growth in cases in the 80+ category was slower at first but kept being exponential for much longer before brutally getting down.</p></section></div><div class="viz" id="LineChart_age"></div></section><section class="viz-section BarChart"><div class="steps"><section><h1>Women more affected, especially among the elderly</h1><p>We can see women were affected more strongly than men in Québec, in any age group. But, this is particularly clear for the cases over 80.</p></section></div><div class="viz" id="BarChart"></div></section><section class="viz-section LineChart_gender"><div class="steps"><section><h1>A slowdown for males</h1><p>As cases number grew at the same rate for both gender in Québec until middle March, the female's ones kept this rate when the male's ones slowed down at the beginning of the lockdown.</p></section></div><div class="viz" id="LineChart_gender"></div></section></main><script src="bundle.js"></script></body></html>