4.1.14 (2017-02-22)
- unfetch: replace fetch polyfill with unfetch (da70f43)
4.1.13 (2017-02-17)
4.1.12 (2017-01-25)
4.1.11 (2017-01-25)
4.1.10 (2016-10-26)
4.1.7 (2016-10-26)
4.1.6 (2016-10-16)
4.1.4 (2016-07-14)
- destroy: fixed .load of undefined when tweetsEmbed was turned off. (e19068b)
- smiley: fixed smiley, hashtag and mention conflict (1826726)
4.1.3 (2016-06-16)
- destroy: markdown and destroy working as expected + perf (de45f1b)
- changed classes to functions (764e7c5)
4.1.2 (2016-06-14)
4.1.1 (2016-06-13)
- assets: fixed relative path in of assets in dist (a1d7b6c)
- destroy: now it works as expected (766d3ae)
4.1.0 (2016-06-12)
- gmap: added template to google map (b80a6ca), closes #162
- hashtag & mentions: added support for hashtag & mentions (a53da81), closes #161
4.0.4 (2016-04-27)
4.0.3 (2016-04-16)
4.0.2 (2016-04-11)
4.0.1 (2016-03-27)
4.0.0 (2016-03-13)
- css: removed calc due to limited browser support (aed68ee)
- fetchjsonp: removed window variable from fetchjsonp (6e00ede)
- gist: fixed the regex for excluding gist from github.com (8cb52a8)
- github: exclude github embed if set in options (c88a940), closes #142
- ifInline & ifEmbed: corrected the behaviour of these 2 functions (fbe6de7)
- opengraph: fixed opengraph error (c4e865c)
- option: covert options array elements into lowercase before comparing (1e03d07)
- text: callback added in text (2caca5e)
- umd: added options to pass the global variable of 3rd party plugins (f6cec4f), closes #131
- umd: fixed an issue with undefined marked and prismjs (0bfaf06)
- video: fixed basic video regex issue (cab117c)
- es2015: added es2015 build of the plugin and jsnext:main option in package.json (36fa93d)
- highlight: added support for Prism.js (aa7f4b5), closes #125
- promises: return promiss on .render() , .text() and .applyEmbedJS() (3bf7012)
- singleEmbed: added options to embed only one service from the detected services (e31ec03)
- tests: moved from mocha to ava (c8c8bc7), closes #118
- async/await: Removed async/await in favour of ES6 promises (ef473c2), closes #117
- base: use base class for synchronous embedding and remove custom build of plugin (68b7546)
- setDimensions: Avoid execution of setDimensions more than once. (cb1e273)
3.7.4 (2016-01-19)
- npmignore: updated .npmignore (6ce6f46)
3.7.3 (2016-01-19)
- log: removed console.log (acac175)
- npm: Fixed npm dist issue and updated packages (0e0d232), closes #114
- package: corrected main file path (f49326b)
- template: fixed references for this.options.templates. (daa3cce)
- core: Changed templating structure and export class (c63cc1e)
3.7.2 (2016-01-10)
- build: removed duplicate YOUTUBE key (5b3a42a)
- helpers: changed helper functioned into named exports (a9633da)
- ideone: corrected the src url formed for the iframe (e3cda9e)
- jsfiddle: inline embedding of jsfiddle having / in url (3add245)
- package: updated package.json (6913738)
- travis: added grunt-cli installation to before-install step (d23e6f8)
- css: optimized css and reduced file size (f3f65c3)
- dimensions: avoid recalculation of dimensions for each services (3fb29d3)
3.7.1 (2016-01-06)
- release: fix version number in build files (aea6b89)
- changelog: automated changelog generation using grunt (f74e5ad)
3.7.0 (2016-01-06)
- release: fixed the release task (0d68fc2)
- template: added options as argument in template functions (45b2208)
- test: added some test and refactoring (fbd58d6)
3.6.2 (2016-01-04)
3.6.1 (2016-01-03)
- release: added bower.json to release (567af34)
3.6.0 (2016-01-03)
- removed function is_short_url as its no longer needed (74b272c)
- opengraph: fixed preference order for opengraph usage with other services (5d8e545)
- github: Added github API integration for repo urls. (7f727db), closes #81
- ogp: added boilerplate for opengraph data using opengraph.io API. (337c340)
- opengrap: Added server demo and server endpoint integration in the plugin (d0996cd)
- opengraph: Added check for already processed urls to prevent its processing multiple time (eea4d12)
- opengraph: added inline embedding of opengraph embed feature (ebf237b)
- opengraph: Integrated opengraph support with inline embedding. (a72784d), closes #82
- release: added grunt release to automate publishing (2ff5817)
- package: updated babel plugin (1d54b31)
3.4.3 (2015-12-27)
- video: added support for custom click handler and class name for youtube and vimeo (34d6cb3), closes #79
3.3.3 (2015-12-25)
- changelog: Added release notes for v3.2.2 (7c5604b)
- ejs: Accept className with dot also (0e375c1), closes #64
- options: Set tweetsEmbed and highlightCode to false by default (1302d27)
- video: fix multiple video playing under same block (21a7ce6), closes #76
3.2.2 (2015-12-11)
3.0.3 (2015-12-11)
- instagram and flickr: fixed issue of inline embedding (d41fbef)
3.2.0 (2015-12-11)
- version bump 😄 (3078758)
3.1.1 (2015-12-11)
- instagram: fixed issue with instagram embed (c63abb2)
3.1.0 (2015-12-11)
- package: replaced multiple main files with one (fdf3b20)
3.0.2 (2015-12-11)
- bump: version updated (c33a383)
3.0.0 (2015-12-06)
- app: removed app directory (5fa188a)
- autoplay: Enabled when opening via preview (f90416f)
- babel: added cachedirectory option to babel-loader (5abdb64)
- build: Added the correct build configuration for webpack (6d504fc)
- css: Added color variable and minor changes (59667b6)
- css: added display block to all iframes to remove padding at bottom (bbccf07)
- css: added ejs-embed class to all embeds (e9fdb88)
- css: added padding to the video preview (440cb9b)
- css: Fixed css emoji sprite path and add input as callback value (cb5c667)
- custom template: Fixed custom template for vimeo and youtube (1794e5f)
- destroy: replace text with original text on destroy (fdfa221)
- dimensions(): converted the default aspect ratio to 4:3 (ef0adcd)
- embed all: Changed selector from attribute name to class name (5d72dc8)
- flickr: removed extra comma from the template (287b56d)
- gist: Fixed inline embedding of github gist (b2d6a00)
- image: Fixed default return bug in image embed and remove dead code (75cff1a)
- inject: removed rollup-plugin-inject from gruntfile.js (0c2d59c)
- instances: Clash in options due to value change of options object (e4a3fc2)
- markdown: Accept heading without space if gfm set to true (e011633)
- markdown: fixed conflict arising due to inline image embed and native image embed. (59b7afe)
- marked: url parsing conflict between marked and native url parsing (eb6997f)
- package: added stage-2 preset to dev dependency (5ad9012)
- package: added transform-regenerator in dev dependencies (4039f7c)
- preview: Replace image with background-image for preview thumbnail (01cc8f9)
- smiley: Now smiley in url won't be processed (02a45a3)
- smiley: Smiley at last was not rendered due to conflict with marked (e6072a0)
- travis: fixed parsing error due to incorrect indentation (98d0d8a)
- travis: fixed parsing error due to incorrect indentation (851b6f0)
- travis: specifies brances for building and some minor code refactoring (a911cd5)
- twitter: Support for twitter embedding added (675a357)
- videojs: Added fluid:true and preload:'metada' as default in video.js options (cfc0c67)
- webpack-dev: Removed grunt serve that ran webpack dev server (36dbc9c)
- audio: Added wav|mp3|ogg embed feature support with video.js (d270b18)
- audio: Support for soundcloud and spotify added (555ea1b)
- build: Added support to create custom build of the library by only including the necessary fun (0e0d0bc)
- code: Moved code analyzing part to separate module and support for ideone added (973edb9)
- code-highlighting: Added support for code highlighting using highlight.js (0b8ad3f)
- codepen: support for codepen embedding added (882bbc7)
- custom template: added support for creating custom templates (8372621)
- custom-emoji: Added support for custom emoji and custom build process added (8e61e15)
- custom-emoji-build: Support to build a custom emoji set added (30a3677)
- custom-emoji-build: Support to build a custom emoji set added (73592a7), closes #46
- dailymotion: Support for dailymotion embedding added (ce4c944)
- demo: Added demo and logo of the library (2cfbaa9)
- destroy: Added destroy method to the plugin (9f23b01)
- eslint: added babel-eslint to support ES6 code linting (445048a)
- fontSmiley: Smiley class to insert font smileys implemented (d5e41cc)
- gist: Added github gist embedding support (c19b027)
- gist: Feature to embed github gists added (6f56fcb)
- globalSettings: Added support to set global options and render by attribute name (2f87292)
- inline: Twitter inline embedding support added (b3a9ec3)
- inline code: Added inline code block embedding feature (dc57a7f)
- inline embed: Added functionality for inline embedding of youtube and vimeo videos (31f3793)
- inline embed: Feature to allow inline embedding started (99cb21f)
- input: Feature to optionally provide input string added (64f562f)
- jsbin: support for jsbin embedding added (4a18e4e)
- jsfiddle: support for jsfiddle embedding added (72e298e)
- liveleak: Support for liveleak video embedding added (e2ae7da)
- map: Added support for map embed with option place, view and streetview (9a5d8b4)
- map: Inline embedding of map added (92564fb)
- markdown: Markdown parsing support added using marked.js (74f7881)
- play: Added the function to play youtube and vimeo videos. (c5ed2f1)
- plunker: Support for plunker embedding added (0b7b603)
- rel: Added option to provide rel attribute in link and added fix for media query (0951dfb), closes #47
- rollup: replacing webpack with rollup in the build process (2e316ce)
- rollup.js: Integrated rollup.js in the build process (243f10d)
- sass: Included sass i the workflow and custom css template for sprite (001c11f)
- smileys: Now the plugin correctly processes the smileys, emojis and urls (50807c0)
- spotify and soundcloud: support for spotify and soundcloud embedding added (5bf6bf0)
- ted: Support for Ted video embedding support added (2b84036)
- text: Feature to return processes string added and optional rendering enabled (b01841e)
- twitter: Added on TweetsLoad function that gets executed after all the tweets have been render (2ee86b4)
- twitter: Multiple tweet embed support added (7a59ecf)
- twitter, custom-icons: Added support for custom font icons and triggered a renedered event wit (98fd2e7)
- url: added buff.ly support to the url module (12b944f)
- urlEmbed: Url class to find and replace links into anchor tags added (76e8173)
- ustream: Support for ustream video embedding added (4251c65)
- video: Added the feature to embed basic video and use video.js to support in multiple places. (6da36e0)
- video-details: Feature to disable vimeo and youtube description added (a138840)
- vimeo: Support for fetching vimeo data added (0dff396)
- vine: Support for vine added (20f8cb2)
- youtube: Support youtube details fetching from the API (c2c1f9f)
- match replaced by exec to get the index (92fb229)
- async/await: removal of async/await from the places that did't needed them (bdc2aa2)
- babel-runtime: Set the optional option to runtime and removed runtime.js (49dd19d)
- code: Refactored classes to extend base class (c6f448b)
2.0.5 (2015-05-01)
2.0.4 (2015-04-19)
2.0.3 (2015-04-08)
- embed exclusion array added (56d8432)
2.0.2 (2015-03-27)
2.0.1 (2015-03-23)
2.0.0-rc.1 (2015-03-23)
2.0.0 (2015-03-23)
- liveleak support added #7 (7986722)
- spotify support added (14de673)
- TED support added #7 (4228ec0)
- vine support added #7 (e7aa9c1)
1.0.0 (2015-03-19)
- image embed feature added (4a6c756)