Lists (9)
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The Open Cookbook for Top-Tier Code Large Language Model
Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
Multiplatform reactive UI for Android, iOS, and web using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
Android wrapper for lightweight-charts library
Apk控制流混淆;Apk-Dex2C;Res资源混淆;Dex、jar、smali文件的相互转换; Dex、Pdf文件合并; Apk、dex、jar混淆和字符串加密; Apk签名、共存; Res资源混淆; Dex、AXML、ARSC文件编辑及翻译;字符串加密(Apk、dex); 一键添加Xposed检测,一键添加弹窗、对话框; axml反编译/回编译; 一键LOG添加; 一键添加字符串解密LO…
A Backend-Driven UI toolkit, build your dynamic UI with json, and the json format is very similar with flutter widget code.
A powerful Android Dynamic Component Framework.
RePlugin - A flexible, stable, easy-to-use Android Plug-in Framework
一个给apk加壳的简单工具, 主要演示apk加壳原理. 代码来源于<Android软件安全与逆向分析>一书, 做了一些简单修改.
A library to manipulate font files from Python.
Smart webfont compression and format conversion tool
RecyclerView? ListView or ViewGroup? No, it's Canvas! Ultra performance and free customization interface! Vertical and horizontal, Fast rendering and extremely low memory. Android上一个优雅、万能自定义UI、仿iOS…
STOMP protocol via WebSocket for Android
Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript