AWS Custom Resource handler that is alternative for cfn-response
Method for sending status to the AWS when invoked by Cloudformation based on the simplified response status
export interface CustomResourceResult {
PhysicalResourceId?: string,
Data?: {
[Key: string]: any;
} | undefined,
NoEcho?: boolean | undefined,
Status: "SUCCESS" | "FAILED",
Reason?: string
Creates handler for custom resource based on the methods for all request types that are triggered by AWS Cloudformation like:
- onCreate
- onUpdate
- onDelete
Example handler
import {
} from 'aws-lambda';
import {IdentitystoreClient} from "@aws-sdk/client-identitystore"
import {buildCreateUserCommand, buildDeleteUserCommand, buildUpdateUserCommand} from "./identityCenter/commands";
import {createLambdaHandler, CustomResourceResult} from "cfn-response-ts";
const identityStoreClient = new IdentitystoreClient({})
const handler = createLambdaHandler(onCreate, onUpdate, onDelete)
export const lambdaHandler = async (event: CloudFormationCustomResourceEvent, context: Context): Promise<CloudFormationCustomResourceResponse> => {"Got event", JSON.stringify(event), 'Got context', context)
return handler(event, context)
async function onCreate(event: CloudFormationCustomResourceCreateEvent, context: Context): Promise<CustomResourceResult> {
const command = buildCreateUserCommand(event)
const result = await identityStoreClient.send(command);
return {
PhysicalResourceId: result.UserId,
Data: {
UserId: result.UserId,
Status: "SUCCESS",
async function onUpdate(event: CloudFormationCustomResourceUpdateEvent, context: Context): Promise<CustomResourceResult> {
const command = buildUpdateUserCommand(event)
await identityStoreClient.send(command)
return {
PhysicalResourceId: event.PhysicalResourceId,
Data: {
UserId: event.PhysicalResourceId,
Status: "SUCCESS",
async function onDelete(event: CloudFormationCustomResourceDeleteEvent, context: Context): Promise<CustomResourceResult> {
const command = buildDeleteUserCommand(event)
await identityStoreClient.send(command)
return {
PhysicalResourceId: event.PhysicalResourceId,
Data: {
UserId: event.PhysicalResourceId,
Status: "SUCCESS",