Soheila Lotfi
Overview: Overall purpose is to help schedule reservation requests. Restaurant has just 5 tables available. First five requests get a reservation, every request after that is sent to the waiting list.
I built a Node / Express based web applications for handling reservation requests.
the application is made up of two parts:
- A front-end set of HTML/CSS/JS pages for entering and viewing data and
- A back-end composed of Node/Express and basic JS for storing, updating, and relaying reservation data.
Create the front-end (visuals) for home page, reservation form, and reservation views.
Create a basic server using Express.JS
Create a set of routes for getting and posting table data
Create a set of routes for displaying the HTML pages
Use jQuery to run AJAX calls to GET and POST data from users to the Express server
Create a basic Express server.
"Listening at PORT 3000" when the command node server.js is run.
Create three HTML files one called home.html, another called tables.html, and another called reserve.html.
Create a set of variables (hint: arrays of objects) for holding the reservation and waitlist data
Create a set of routes that then display this data as JSONs. Users should be given these JSONs if they visit the appropriate page (i.e. if a user visits localhost:3000/api/tables they should see a JSON of table data).
Create the logic that handles reservation requests.
Then create the necessary code on the tables.html page such that it can retrieve data from the API (creating an AJAX GET request to retrieve the data).
Then create the necessary code on the reserve.html page such that it can send data to the API (creating an AJAX POST request to send the data).