This last phase of our tutorial will highlight what's happening in a regular Development workflow, involving a development branch and a pull request.
- A new branch is created to add some use case. That branch was already created for you, it's named
- Create a Pull-Request to merge the
commits intomain
- if there is any PR conflict, address them by keeping the destination branch content
- CodeBuild is running on the PR code and will validate your changes
- a second PR analysis is immediatley launched after the first if you fix any conflict with a new commit.
- your CodeBuild PR run(s) will fail because the Quality Gate does not pass, as described with Failing a pipeline job when the quality gate fails | SonarQube Docs
- You may now explore the issues that are breaking the Quality Gate, and fix them on your new-service branch.
- Don't hesitate to explore how your new-service branch is vulnerable to SQL injection locally
- To display arbitrary values on the page:'+UNION+SELECT+'something-is-wrong
- To extract the data from all users of the table PEOPLE:'+UNION+SELECT+ARRAY_AGG(CONCAT(name,address))+FROM+PEOPLE--
- To insert new data in the table people PEOPLE, note that this request will return an error because the initial SELECT fails, and then we do the INSERT:';INSERT+INTO+PEOPLE(NAME,ADDRESS)+VALUES('not-expected','nowhere')--
- To truncate the table PEOPLE:';DELETE+FROM+PEOPLE--
- Use SonarLint and the Connected Mode to help you fix the new issues
- If you're stuggling to add Unit Tests (which is not the point of this tutorial), you may reduce the scope of analysis for test coverage
- Your PR will get analyzed again after you push you new commit(s) to the CodeCommit repository
- Once thall issues are adressed, SonarQube Quality Gate will be green and your CodeBuild run will pass
Your PR is 'Clean Code-Ready', you may now merge it and get the new functionalities deployed.
You've reached the end of this tutorial, congrats!