- summary Various solutions for common server issues
- labels Errors
Below are some issues that you may encounter along with their fixes.
This occurs after revision 4563 if you are using older configuration files. To fix this, follow these steps:
# Open your conf/red5-core.xml file # Remove this node
# Locate the rtmptServlet bean and change this node from
Save and close the file, then restart red5
Starting at revision 4643 we added an executor to each connection to prevent thread deadlocks when a message is received. (*Deprecated in revision 4645*) If you have not updated your red5-core.xml to match the jars, you may see this error:
To fix it just added the following node to your red5-core.xml:
Also add this property to your _rtmpMinaConnection_ bean:
Quartz has been replaced in the RTMP/T connection classes as well as in the SharedObjectService from revision 4658 on. The modifications to your configurations are as follows:
Add a pool size for the RTMP connection scheduler in red5.properties
Add a pool size for the Shared Object scheduler in red5.properties
Add the scheduler bean to the red5-core.xml
Add the "scheduler" to the RTMPMinaConnection in red5-core.xml
Add the "scheduler" to the RTMPTConnection in red5-core.xml
Add the "scheduler" to the Shared Object service in red5-common.xml
If your server shuts down after adding new code, you may see this error:
or this one:
This is often a JVM mismatch; meaning that your code was compiled with one version of the JVM, but your server runs different version. The fix is to compile with your target JVM.
Covered in answer 1 at stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4350006/tomcat-6-server-was-running-but-now-it-wont-start-error-in-log-file-sever
If you see this error, it means you have to remove the old servlet and jee jars from red5/lib.
Delete _javaee-api-5.1.2.jar_ and _servlet-api-2.5.jar_ then restart red5.
More information here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5642753/catalina-bat-start-not-working
In later versions of 1.0.2, you need to add a manager property to the rtmptServlet bean in your red5-core.xml like so: