Perfect provides a wrapper around the minizip C library and implements a set of convenience functions for use when the PerfectZip package is imported.
For MacOS install minizip using homebrew:
brew install minizip
On Ubuntu, install minizip:
apt-get install minizip
In addition to the PerfectLib, you will need the Perfect-Zip dependency in the Package.swift file:
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 2, minor: 0)
The two main functions of the Perfect Zip module are to zip files, or unzip a zip file.
Before initiating compression or decompression, an instance of the class myst be created:
let myVar = Zip()
To compress a file, use the .zipFiles(...)
paths: [String],
zipFilePath: String,
overwrite: Bool,
password: String?
) -> ZipStatus
This method returns the success/fail status of the operation as a ZipStatus
- paths: The array of file paths to add to the zip file
- zipFilePath: The path and filename of the destination zip file
- overwrite: A boolean declaring the behaviour to attempt when the destination zip file exists
- password: The password string to use for password-protect the zip file. Optional. Leave empty or omit to create an unprotected zip file.
To decompress a file, use the .unzipFile(...)
source: String,
destination: String,
overwrite: Bool,
password: String = ""
) -> ZipStatus
This method returns the success/fail status of the operation as a ZipStatus
- source: The file path of zipped file
- destination: The path to the directory into which the contents of the zip file are to be placed
- overwrite: A boolean declaring the behaviour to attempt when the destination directory or file exists
- password: The password string to use for decrypting a password-protected zip file. Optional.
The ZipStatus
values are as follows:
- .FileNotFound
- .UnzipFail
- .ZipFail
- .ZipCannotOverwrite
- .ZipSuccess
The enum has a .description
variable which returns human-readable dewscriptors of each enum value.
- .FileNotFound - "File not found."
- .UnzipFail - "Failed to unzip file."
- .ZipFail - "Failed to zip file."
- .ZipCannotOverwrite - "Cannot overwrite destination file."
- .ZipSuccess - "Success."
The following will zip the specified directory:
import PerfectZip
let myZip = Zip()
let thisZipFile = "/path/to/"
let sourceDir = "/path/to/files/"
let ZipResult = myZip.zipFiles(
paths: [sourceDir],
zipFilePath: thisZipFile,
overwrite: true, password: ""
print("ZipResult Result: \(ZipResult.description)")
To unzip a file:
import PerfectZip
let myZip = Zip()
let sourceDir = "/path/to/files/"
let thisZipFile = "/path/to/"
let UnZipResult = myZip.unzipFile(
source: thisZipFile,
destination: sourceDir,
overwrite: true
print("Unzip Result: \(UnZipResult.description)")