written in Verilog
Clear filter
MNT VA2000, an Open Source Amiga 2/3/4000 Graphics Card (Zorro II/III), written in Verilog
The reverse-engineered AY-3-8910 chip. Transistor-level schematics, verilog model and a testbench with tools, that can render register dump files into .flac soundtrack.
1c3d1v3r / neatPLA
Forked from desaster/c64-dodgyplaCommodore 64 PLA replacement
sn76489an compatible Verilog core, with emphasis on FPGA implementation and Megadrive/Master System compatibility
Commodore 64 Internal RAM Expansion with integrated MMU
Reverse Engineering of the Schnedler Systems 4MHz TurboMaster accelerator cartridge for the Commodore 64