Athens Technology Center (ATC)
- Athens (Greece) - London (UK)
DeepPavlov Public
Forked from deeppavlov/DeepPavlovAn open source library for deep learning end-to-end dialog systems and chatbots.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 12, 2024 -
django-react-redux-task-app Public
A simple CRUD app to get comfortable with Django-React-Redux
JavaScript UpdatedDec 13, 2021 -
shortest_path_algorithms Public
This repository contains implementations of algorithms that find the shortest path from a point a to point b located at a maze
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedDec 7, 2021 -
numpy_python_ann Public
The point of this task is to develop a multi-layer neural network for classification using Python and Numpy: Implement sigmoid and relu layers (with forward and backward pass) Implement a softmax o…
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedDec 7, 2021 -
In this project we propose the challenge to generate realistic people faces. This is one of the most controversial applications of GANs, as they recently achieved incredibly good results which rais…
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedDec 7, 2021 -
Used the Netflix Movie & TV Shows dataset to finetune the GPT-2 model for Text Generation, while also finetuning the BERT model for classification to evaluate and compare the model’s accuracy on th…
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedDec 7, 2021 -
HopfieldDRQN Public
Embedding Modern Continuous Hopfield Networks (Ramsauer et al., 2020) in the DRQN algorithm
coursera-gan-specialization Public
Forked from amanchadha/coursera-gan-specializationProgramming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the GANs specialization offered by deeplearning.ai
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedNov 19, 2020 -
Deeplearning.ai-GAN-Specialization-Generative-Adversarial-Networks Public
Forked from ibrahimjelliti/Deeplearning.ai-GAN-Specialization-Generative-Adversarial-NetworksThis repository contains my full work and notes on Deeplearning.ai GAN Specialization (Generative Adversarial Networks)
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedNov 1, 2020 -