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Splunk Platform Functional Test Environment Setup


  • Python version must be > 3.x
  • Kubectl = v1.15.2
  • Minikube = v1.20.0
  • Helm = 3.3.x
  • libseccomp2 and cri-o (optional)

Setup local environment

Start Minikube

# Set environment variable for container runtime. Options are: docker, cri-o and containerd
  export CONTAINER_RUNTIME=docker

# Start minikube
  minikube start --driver=docker --container-runtime=$CONTAINER_RUNTIME --cpus 3 --memory 8192 --kubernetes-version=v1.15.2 --no-vtx-check

Install Splunk on minikube

# Use ci_scripts/k8s-splunk.yml file to deploy splunk on minikube
kubectl apply -f ci_scripts/k8s-splunk.yml

# Run following command to check if Splunk is ready. User should see "Ansible playbook complete, will begin streaming splunkd_stderr.log"
kubectl logs splunk -f

# To be abel to interact with Splunk pod from local workstation, you need to forward local ports to the ports on the Splunk Pod
# Start a new terminal concole, run following command and keep it running in the background
kubectl port-forward pods/splunk 8089

# Setup Indexes
curl -k -u admin:helloworld https://localhost:8089/services/data/indexes -d name=ci_events -d datatype=event
curl -k -u admin:helloworld https://localhost:8089/services/data/indexes -d name=ns-anno -d datatype=event
curl -k -u admin:helloworld https://localhost:8089/services/data/indexes -d name=pod-anno -d datatype=event

# Enable HEC services
curl -X POST -u admin:helloworld -k https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/splunk_httpinput/data/inputs/http/http/enable

# Create new HEC token
curl -X POST -u admin:helloworld -k -d "name=splunk_hec_token&token=a6b5e77f-d5f6-415a-bd43-930cecb12959&disabled=0&index=main&indexes=main,ci_events,ns-anno,pod-anno" https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/nobody/splunk_httpinput/data/inputs/http

# Restart Splunk
curl -k -u admin:helloworld https://localhost:8089/services/server/control/restart -X POST

# Start a new terminal concole, forward local port 8000 to the port on Splunk pod (for debugging)
kubectl port-forward pods/splunk 8000
You can then vistit Splunk web page: https://localhost:8000

Deploy sck otel collector

# Get Splunk Host IP
export SPLUNK_HOST=$(kubectl get pod splunk --template={{.status.podIP}})

# Use ci_scripts/sck_otel_values.yaml file to deploy sck otel collector
# Default image repository:
helm install ci-sck --set splunkPlatform.index=$CI_INDEX_EVENTS \
--set splunkPlatform.token=$CI_SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN \
--set splunkPlatform.endpoint=https://$CI_SPLUNK_HOST:8088/services/collector \
-f ci_scripts/sck_otel_values.yaml helm-charts/splunk-otel-collector/

Deploy log generator

# Use test/test_setup.yaml file to deploy log generator
kubectl apply -f test/test_setup.yaml

Check data on Splunk

To see the test events generaged in Splunk, you can vistit Splunk web page: https://localhost:8000
Search for events by index.
For example: `index=ci_events`

Testing Instructions

  1. (Optional) Use a virtual environment for the test

    virtualenv --python=python3.6 venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  2. Install the dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore:Unverified HTTPS request"
  3. Start the test with the required options configured

    python -m pytest \
    --splunkd-url https://localhost:8089 \
    --splunk-user admin --splunk-password helloworld \
    -p no:warnings -s

    Options are: --splunkd-url


    • Description: splunk username
    • Default: admin


    • Description: splunk user password
    • Default: changeme