is a overlap detection tool for DNA sequnces from PacBio.
- Python 3 (You may need to modify some script if you want to use Python 2.7)
- CMake 3.7 or higher
- GCC 4.8 or higher
- Biopython library for Python
- SortedContainers library fot Python
At this stage, our tool consists three part: ####Suffix array filter A prebuild excecuteble file using GCC 4.8.2 can found under /sa_filter/
Use GCC 4.8 or higher to build
cd sa_filter
g++ -std=c++11 *.cpp -o filter
To excecute (although this will be included in the script)
./filter -i <infile> -k <kmersize> -o <outfile>
The program will do all against all to compare shared kmer
####Modified YASS for group hits A prebuild excecuteble file using GCC 4.8.2 can found under /yass/
And to use CMake to build under Linux
cd yass
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
After finished build, you can use the python script to excecute it to get output of groups of given fasta files
The output format is (seperated by tab)
query_id, query length, target_id, target_length, groups(x, diagonal, length)
####Python script
how to cite this tool:
Du N., Chen J., Sun Y., Improve the sensitivity of detecting long read overlaps using grouped short k-mer matches, submitted to ISMB 2018