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A shell script (that can be used as a Nagios/Icinga plugin) to check an SSL/TLS connection.


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© Matteo Corti, ETH Zurich, 2007-2012

© Matteo Corti, 2007-2022 see for the complete list of contributors


A shell script (that can be used as a Nagios/Icinga plugin) to check an SSL/TLS connection


Usage: check_ssl_cert -H host [OPTIONS]
       check_ssl_cert -f file [OPTIONS]

   -f,--file file                  local file path or URI.
                                   With -f you can not only pass a x509
                                   certificate file but also a certificate
                                   revocation list (CRL) to check the
                                   validity period
   -H,--host host                  server

   -A,--noauth                     ignore authority warnings (expiration
      --all                        enables all the possible optional checks
                                   at the maximum level
      --all-local                  enables all the possible optional checks
                                   at the maximum level (without SSL-Labs)
      --allow-empty-san            allow certificates without Subject
                                   Alternative Names (SANs)
   -C,--clientcert path            use client certificate to authenticate
   -c,--critical days              minimum number of days a certificate has
                                   to be valid to issue a critical status.
                                   Can be a floating point number, e.g., 0.5
                                   Default: 15
      --check-ciphers grade        checks the offered ciphers
      --check-ciphers-warnings     critical if nmap reports a warning for an
                                   offered cipher
      --check-ssl-labs-warn grade  SSL Labs grade on which to warn
      --clientpass phrase          set passphrase for client certificate.
      --crl                        checks revocation via CRL (requires
      --curl-bin path              path of the curl binary to be used
      --curl-user-agent string     user agent that curl shall use to obtain
                                   the issuer cert
      --custom-http-header string  custom HTTP header sent when getting the
                                   cert example: 'X-Check-Ssl-Cert: Foobar=1'
   -d,--debug                      produces debugging output (can be
                                   specified more than once)
      --dane                       verify that valid DANE records exist
                                   (since OpenSSL 1.1.0)
      --dane 211                   verify that a valid DANE-TA(2) SPKI(1)
                                   SHA2-256(1) TLSA record exists
      --dane 301                   verify that a valid DANE-EE(3) Cert(0)
                                   SHA2-256(1) TLSA record exists
      --dane 302                   verify that a valid DANE-EE(3) Cert(0)
                                   SHA2-512(2) TLSA record exists
      --dane 311                   verify that a valid DANE-EE(3) SPKI(1)
                                   SHA2-256(1) TLSA record exists
      --dane 312                   verify that a valid DANE-EE(3)
                                   SPKI(1) SHA2-512(1) TLSA record exists
      --date path                  path of the date binary to be used
      --debug-cert                 stores the retrieved certificates in the
                                   current directory
      --debug-file file            writes the debug messages to file
      --debug-time                 writes timing information in the
                                   debugging output
      --dig-bin path               path of the dig binary to be used
   -e,--email address              pattern to match the email address
                                   contained in the certificate
      --ecdsa                      signature algorithm selection: force ECDSA
      --element number             checks up to the N cert element from the
                                   beginning of the chain
      --file-bin path              path of the file binary to be used
      --fingerprint SHA1           pattern to match the SHA1-Fingerprint
      --first-element-only         verify just the first cert element, not
                                   the whole chain
      --force-dconv-date           force the usage of dconv for date
      --force-perl-date            force the usage of Perl for date
      --format FORMAT              format output template on success, for
                                   example: '%SHORTNAME% OK %CN% from
                                   list of possible variables:
                                   - %HOST%
                                   - %PORT%
                                   - %CA_ISSUER_MATCHED%
                                   - %CHECKEDNAMES%
                                   - %CN%
                                   - %DATE%
                                   - %DAYS_VALID%
                                   - %DYSPLAY_CN%
                                   - %OPENSSL_COMMAND%
                                   - %SELFSIGNEDCERT%
                                   - %SHORTNAME%
                                   - %OCSP_EXPIRES_IN_HOURS%
                                   - %SSL_LABS_HOST_GRADE%
   -h,--help,-?                    this help message
      --http-use-get               use GET instead of HEAD (default) for the
                                   HTTP related checks
   -i,--issuer issuer              pattern to match the issuer of the
      --ignore-altnames            ignores alternative names when matching
                                   pattern specified in -n (or the host name)
      --ignore-connection-problems [state] in case of connection problems
                                   returns OK or the optional state
      --ignore-exp                 ignore expiration date
      --ignore-host-cn             do not complain if the CN does not match
                                   the host name
      --ignore-incomplete-chain    does not check chain integrity
      --ignore-ocsp                do not check revocation with OCSP
      --ignore-ocsp-errors         continue if the OCSP status cannot be
      --ignore-ocsp-timeout        ignore OCSP result when timeout occurs
                                   while checking
      --ignore-sct                 do not check for signed certificate
                                   timestamps (SCT)
      --ignore-sig-alg             do not check if the certificate was signed
                                   with SHA1 or MD5
      --ignore-ssl-labs-cache      Forces a new check by SSL Labs (see -L)
      --ignore-tls-renegotiation   Ignores the TLS renegotiation check
      --inetproto protocol         Force IP version 4 or 6
      --info                       Prints certificate information
      --issuer-cert-cache dir      directory where to store issuer
                                   certificates cache
   -K,--clientkey path             use client certificate key to authenticate
   -L,--check-ssl-labs grade       SSL Labs assessment (please check
      --long-output list           append the specified comma separated (no
                                   spaces) list of attributes to the plugin
                                   output on additional lines
                                   Valid attributes are:
                                     enddate, startdate, subject, issuer,
                                     modulus, serial, hash, email, ocsp_uri
                                     and fingerprint.
                                   'all' will include all the available
   -n,--cn name                    pattern to match the CN of the certificate
                                   (can be specified multiple times)
      --nmap-bin path              path of the nmap binary to be used
      --no-perf                    do not show performance data
      --no-proxy                   ignores the http_proxy and https_proxy
                                   environment variables
      --no-proxy-curl              ignores the http_proxy and https_proxy
                                   environment variables for curl
      --no-proxy-s_client          ignores the http_proxy and https_proxy
                                   environment variables for openssl s_client
      --no-ssl2                    disable SSL version 2
      --no-ssl3                    disable SSL version 3
      --no-tls1                    disable TLS version 1
      --no-tls1_1                  disable TLS version 1.1
      --no-tls1_2                  disable TLS version 1.2
      --no-tls1_3                  disable TLS version 1.3
      --not-issued-by issuer       check that the issuer of the certificate
                                   does not match the given pattern
      --not-valid-longer-than days critical if the certificate validity is
                                   longer than the specified period
   -o,--org org                    pattern to match the organization of the
      --ocsp-critical hours        minimum number of hours an OCSP response
                                   has to be valid to issue a critical status
      --ocsp-warning hours         minimum number of hours an OCSP response
                                   has to be valid to issue a warning status
      --openssl path               path of the openssl binary to be used
   -p,--port port                  TCP port
      --precision digits           number of decimal places for durations:
                                   defaults to 0 if critical or warning are
                                   integers, 2 otherwise
   -P,--protocol protocol          use the specific protocol:
                                   ftp, ftps, http, https (default),
                                   h2 (HTTP/2), imap, imaps, irc, ircs, ldap,
                                   ldaps, mysql, pop3, pop3s, postgres,
                                   sieve, smtp, smtps, xmpp, xmpp-server.
                                   ftp, imap, irc, ldap, pop3, postgres,
                                   sieve, smtp: switch to TLS using StartTLS
      --password source            password source for a local certificate,
                                   see the PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS section
      --prometheus                 generates Prometheus/OpenMetrics output
      --proxy proxy                sets http_proxy and the s_client -proxy
   -q,--quiet                      do not produce any output
   -r,--rootcert path              root certificate or directory to be used
                                   for certificate validation
      --require-client-cert [list] the server must accept a client
                                   certificate. 'list' is an optional comma
                                   separated list of expected client
                                   certificate CAs
      --require-no-ssl2            critical if SSL version 2 is offered
      --require-no-ssl3            critical if SSL version 3 is offered
      --require-no-tls1            critical if TLS 1 is offered
      --require-no-tls1_1          critical if TLS 1.1 is offered
      --require-ocsp-stapling      require OCSP stapling
      --resolve ip                 provides a custom IP address for the
                                   specified host
      --rootcert-dir path          root directory to be used for certificate
      --rootcert-file path         root certificate to be used for
                                   certificate validation
      --rsa                        signature algorithm selection: force RSA
   -s,--selfsigned                 allows self-signed certificates
      --serial serialnum           pattern to match the serial number
      --skip-element number        skips checks on the Nth cert element (can
                                   be specified multiple times)
      --sni name                   sets the TLS SNI (Server Name Indication)
                                   extension in the ClientHello message to
      --ssl2                       force SSL version 2
      --ssl3                       force SSL version 3
   -t,--timeout                    seconds timeout after the specified time
                                   (defaults to 120 seconds)
      --temp dir                   directory where to store the temporary
      --terse                      terse output
      --tls1                       force TLS version 1
      --tls1_1                     force TLS version 1.1
      --tls1_2                     force TLS version 1.2
      --tls1_3                     force TLS version 1.3
   -u,--url URL                    HTTP request URL
   -v,--verbose                    verbose output (can be specified more than
   -V,--version                    version
   -w,--warning days               minimum number of days a certificate has
                                   to be valid to issue a warning status.
                                   Can be a floating point number, e.g., 0.5
                                   Default: 20
      --xmpphost name              specifies the host for the 'to' attribute
                                   of the stream element
   -4                              force IPv4
   -6                              force IPv6

Deprecated options:
      --altnames                   matches the pattern specified in -n with
                                   alternate names too (enabled by default)
      --days days                  minimum number of days a certificate has
                                   to be valid
                                   (see --critical and --warning)
   -N,--host-cn                    match CN with the host name
                                   (enabled by default)
      --no_ssl2                    disable SSLv2 (deprecated use --no-ssl2)
      --no_ssl3                    disable SSLv3 (deprecated use --no-ssl3)
      --no_tls1                    disable TLSv1 (deprecated use --no-tls1)
      --no_tls1_1                  disable TLSv1.1 (deprecated use
      --no_tls1_2                  disable TLSv1.1 (deprecated use
      --no_tls1_3                  disable TLSv1.1 (deprecated use
      --ocsp                       check revocation via OCSP (enabled by
      --require-san                require the presence of a Subject
                                   Alternative Name
   -S,--ssl version                force SSL version (2,3)
                                   (see: --ssl2 or --ssl3)

Report bugs to

Expect & timeout

check_ssl_cert requires expect or timeout to enable timeouts. If expect or timeout are not present on your system timeouts will be disabled.

Virtual servers

check_ssl_cert supports the servername TLS extension in ClientHello if the installed OpenSSL version provides it. This is needed if you are checking a server with virtual hosts.

SSL Labs

If -L or --check-ssl-labs are specified the plugin will check the cached status using the SSL Labs Assessment API.

The plugin will ask for a cached result (maximum age 1 day) to avoid too many checks. The first time you issue the check you could therefore get an outdated result.

Root Certificate

The root certificate corresponding to the checked certificate must be available to OpenSSL or specified with the -r cabundle or --rootcert cabundle option, where cabundle is either a file for -CAfile or a directory for -CApath.

On macOS the root certificates bundle is stored in the Keychain and OpenSSL will complain with:

verification error: unable to get local issuer certificate

The bundle can be extracted with:

$ sudo security find-certificate -a \
  -p /System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain > cabundle.crt

and then submitted to check_ssl_cert with the -r,--rootcert path option

 ./check_ssl_cert -H -r ./cabundle.crt

Quoting in Nagios

An asterisk * is automatically escaped by nagios. If you need to specify an option (e.g., --cn) with an argument containing an asterisk you need to enclose it in double quotes (e.g., ''*'')



To run the test suite you will need shUnit2

  • Manual install: github
  • macOS with Homebrew: brew install shunit2
  • Debian, Ubuntu: apt-get install shunit2
  • Fedora: dnf install shunit2

Run make test to execute the whole test suite.

With make disttest you can check the formatting of the files (e.g. tabs and blanks at the end of the lines) and run ShellCheck to lint the scripts.

To run a single test:

  • set the SHUNIT2 environment variable with the location of the shUnit2 binary
  • change the directory to the test suite: cd test
  • execute the test suite with the tests to be run as argument after --. For example ./ -- testName


Report bugs to


A shell script (that can be used as a Nagios/Icinga plugin) to check an SSL/TLS connection.



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  • Shell 94.3%
  • Roff 4.4%
  • Makefile 1.3%