(Attention: These are the class notes for the Lambda School pre-course instruction workshop. This is meant to serve as an accompaniment to the class)
In this lesson we will cover:
- Introduction to Javascript
- Variables
- Strings, Numbers, and Booleans
- Math
- Introduction to Functions
- Control Flow and Comparison Operators
- Introduction to Node and NPM
If we imagine a web page as a house, the HTML makes up the materials (wood, brick, and concrete), CSS is how we put all of those materials together, and Javascript is the electricity, plumbing and gas. It's what makes the web page "run". Javascript was originally designed to be used purely on the front end as a way for web developers to add functionality to their web pages, and in its early days it did just that. Recently, the introduction of the "V8 engine" by Google has improved the speed and functionality of JS. That led to the development and release of exciting new front-end Javascript frameworks and eventually Node.js, a way to run Javascript on a server (back-end). This new development has led to a resurgence of Javascript. Javascript is one of the world's most widely used programming languages. We now find Javascript used on front-end, back-end, mobile development, IoT, and really anywhere a traditional programming language would be used. Recently, the newest version of the Javascript language was released (ES6), we will be focusing on and using ES6 in this course, and in the Lambda School full CS course. Keep in mind, Javascript != Java. Although they share similar names (this was, unfortunately, considered a feature by Javascript's early pioneers) that is where the similarities end.
At the heart of Javascript are variables. A variable is a way to store the value of something to use later. (A note for those with previous programming knowledge: Javascript is a loosely typed language, a variable can be set (and reset) to any type, we do not need to declare its type when initiating the variable.)
The anatomy of a variable is first the keyword, a space, the name we are giving the variable, an equal sign, the value we are assigning the variable and then the semi-colon.
There are three ways to declare a variable.
var firstName = 'John';
let lastName = 'Smith';
const favoriteFood = 'Taco';
is the ES5 way of declaring a variable. This is a generic variable keyword.
is a new ES6 variable keyword, this will assign a variable much like var
, but with a little bit different behavior. Most notably, it differs by creating "block level scope".
is also new in ES6. A const
is a variable that will not be able to be changed. This is short for "constant".
Another concept we will talk about right away is
This very simple method will allow us to print to the console anything we put between the parentheses.
These are the most basic data types in Javascript.
Strings are blocks of text, they will always be defined with quotation marks around them, either single or double. Any text with quotes around it is a string.
const dog = 'fido';
Numbers are just that, numbers. Numbers do NOT have quotes around them. They can be negative as well. Javascript does have a limitation on the size of a number (+/- 9007199254740991), but only very rarely will that limitation come up.
const answer = 42;
const negative = -13;
Booleans come from low level computer science. It is a concept that powers binary code and the very core of computers. You may have seen binary code in the past (0001 0110...), this is boolean logic. It essentially means you have two choices, on or off, 0 or 1, true of false. In Javascript we use Booleans to mean true or false. This may seem simple at first but can get complicated later on.
const iLoveJavascript = true;
Math operators work in javascript just as they would on your calculator.
1 + 1 = 2
2 * 2 = 4
2 - 2 = 0
2 / 2 = 1
Something you may not have seen before is the Modulo (%
), this math operator will divide the two numbers and return the remainder.
21 % 5 = 1;
21 % 6 = 3;
21 % 7 = 0;
Javascript has a number of built in objects for us to use. We have already seen, and have been using, the console object and it's method log
. Another one of these objects is Math
. Math
has a number of methods on it just like console
has log
. To add to this, some of our data types also have built in methods.
We can use the pow
method on Math
to return a number risen to an exponent. It will take two numbers.
Math.pow(2,2) = 4;
Math.pow(3,2) = 9;
Math.pow(3,3) = 27;
also has methods that will round numbers for us. .round
will round a number to the nearest whole number. .floor
will always round a number down to the nearest whole number. .ceil
will always round up to the nearest whole number.
Math.round(6.5) = 7;
Math.round(6.45) = 6;
Math.floor(6.999) = 6;
Math.ceil(6.0001) = 7;
The string data type has a built in method called .length
. Any string we call this on will return the amount of characters in that string.
const cat = 'kitty';
console.log(cat.length); // 5
We will see many other built it in methods on other data types throughout this course.
Now that we have variables set we need functions to compute them, change them, do something with them. There are three ways we can build a function.
function myFunc() {}
const anotherFunc = function () {};
const yetAnother = () => {};
We will be using the first way in this lesson, and talk about the other ways in future lessons.
function myFunc() {}
A function will start with the function
keyword, this tells whatever is running your program that what follows is a function and to treat it as such. After that comes the name of the function, we like to give functions names that describe what they do. Then comes an open and a close parentheses. And finally, open and close brackets. In between these brackets is where all of our function code will go.
function logsHello() {
In this example we declare a function logsHello
and we set it up to console.log
. We can then see in order to run this function, we need to write the name and parentheses. This is the syntax to run a function. A function always needs parentheses to run.
Now that we can run a basic function, we are going to start passing it arguments.
function logsHello(name) {
console.log('Hello, ' + name);
If we add a variable to the parentheses when we declare the function we can use this variable within our function. We initiate the value of this variable by passing it into the function when we call it. So in this case name = 'Dan'
. We can pass other variables into this as well:
function logsHello(name) {
console.log( `Hello, ${name}`);
const myName = 'Dan';
We can add multiple arguments by placing a comma in between them:
function addsTwoNumbers(a, b) {
const sum = a + b;
return sum;
addsTwoNumbers(1, 5); // 6
In the last example we introduced the return
statement. We will not console.log
everything that comes out of a function. Most likely we will want to return something. In this case it is the sum of the two numbers. Think of the return statement as the only way for data to escape a function. Nothing other than what is returned can be accessed outside of the function. Also note, that when a function hits a return statement, the function immediately stops what it is doing and returns.
function dividesTwoNumbers(a, b) {
const product = a / b;
return product;
dividesTwoNumbers(6, 3); // 2
console.log(product); // undefined
If we tried to console.log
something that we declared inside of the function it would return undefined
because we do not have access to it outside of the function. This is called scope. The only way to access something inside of the function is to return it.
We can also set variables to equal what a function returns.
function subtractsTwoNumbers(a, b) {
const difference = a - b;
return difference;
const differenceValue = subtractsTwoNumbers(10, 9);
console.log(differenceValue); // 1
console.log(difference); // undefined
We can see that difference is set inside of the function. The variable inside the function only belongs inside the function.
In this example we are going to use control flow and comparison operators. Control flow is a way for our function to check to see if something is true
, and either running the code supplied if it is, or moving on if it is not. For this we will use the if
function canDrive(age) {
if (age > 15) {
return true;
return false;
canDrive(16); // true
Here we are taking a number (age
) and checking to see if the statement is true
(16 > 15
), it is, so we will return true
, and the function will stop. If it is not, it will skip that code and the function will return false
The "Greater Than" symbol ( >
) you see in the last example is called a Comparison Operator. Comparison Operators evaluate two items and return either true
or false
. These operators are: <
, <=
, >
, >=
, ===
, !==
. We will learn more about these operators in the next lesson.
Node.js is a runtime environment developed originally for use on backend servers. We will need to install it on our machines in order to complete the exercises over the next four days. To install Node please click here: Download and install Node.js. Node comes shipped with "NPM". NPM is a package manager for javascript packages and we will be using it throughout our time at Lambda School. Once you have installed Node.js, you do not need to do anything else to install NPM.