Functions to retreive routes from Google Maps Directions API, and to decode the polylines received from the API call.
retrieves route information from Google Maps.
decodes polyilnes that are generated from the API call.
## return data.frame of route
df <- get_route(origin = "Flinders Street Station, Melbourne",
destination = "MCG, Melbourne",
mode = "driving",
key = "<valid_api_key>",
output_format = "data.frame")
## return JSON of route
js <- get_route(origin = "Flinders Street Station, Melbourne",
destination = "MCG, Melbourne",
mode = "driving",
key = "<valid_api_key>",
output_format = "JSON")
## polyline joining the capital cities of Australian states
pl <- "nnseFmpzsZgalNytrXetrG}krKsaif@kivIccvzAvvqfClp~uBlymzA~ocQ}_}iCthxo@srst@"
df_polyline <- decodepl(pl)
# lat lon
# 1 -37.78808 144.9756
# 2 -35.26356 149.1724
# 3 -33.85217 151.2378
# 4 -27.41079 152.9956
# 5 -12.38293 130.7812
# 6 -31.87756 115.7959
# 7 -34.84988 138.5596
# 8 -42.84375 147.3486
## not yet on CRAN.
## install via github