UE4 Minimal is an attempt at a dark theme for Unreal Engine 4. Currently compatible with UE4.20 and up. This theme works by replacing images in UE4's Engine/Content folder - My hope is to go full minimal with this theme and address the iconography of UE4.
I've also included PSDs of any file that I've touched - Layer 0 in these PSDs is the original image, should you wish to modify or make changes yourself.
This is all done in my free time, and is something I consider spending a couple months perfecting - So please be patient!
For latest updates on progress, follow me here:
Twitter: @Codekittah
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/bo7yko/ue4minimal_my_unreal_engine_minimal_theme/
Unreal Engine Forums: https://forums.unrealengine.com/community/work-in-progress/1618822-ue4minimal-my-unreal-engine-minimal-theme
Alessa <3
To install:
1 - Navigate to your Engine\Content folder.
2 - Make a copy of these two folders: "Editor" and "Slate" this will be your backup if you would like to revert the theme, otherwise you'll have to reinstall the engine.
3 - Download or clone the repo, and copy the "Editor" and "Slate" folders into your Engine/Content folder. You will be asked to override a few thousand files, hit yes.
3a - Should you want the Graph Nodes in blueprint/material editor to be the old versions, Do not copy and replace the "Editor/Slate/Graph" folder.
4 - Once all is done, open the editor and enjoy your new minimal theme.