Get going quickly with TYPO3 CMS and Apache Solr.
- Install docker (Version should be higher than 17.05)
- Install ddev (Version should be equal or higher then 1.5.1)
The ddev environment can be created very easily:
ddev start
After the startup you can access the TYPO3 site with the following url:
The TYPO3 backend can be accessed with:
Username: admin Password: Password1!
From time to time you might want to start again with a clean database state. To do that run:
ddev solr:clean:ddev-site
This will remove all the things and bring the system tu the initial state.
The tests can be executed within the ddev docker containers.
ddev solr:tests:unit
ddev solr:tests:integration
ddev solr:tests:unit <extension-name>
ddev solr:tests:integration <extension-name>
ddev solr:tests:integration <extension-name> <PhpUnit-params-and/or-flag_01> <PhpUnit-params-and/or-flag_etc>
Following EXT:solr* addons can be switched on in this environment by ddev solr:enable <addon-or-demo>
(EB = requires EB account and presence of addon in pacages/ext- path.) (Nø = To be integrated in solr-ddev-site)
- solrconsole (EB)
- solrdebugtools (EB)
- solrfal (EB)
- solrfluidgrouping
- solrfheadless (EB and Nø)
- solrmlt (Nø)
- tika
- news (As demo of record indexing.)
ddev solr:enable <addon-or-demo>
ddev solr:enable news
ddev solr:enable solrfluidgrouping
ddev solr:enable solrfal