Leap Motion gesture input mapper
Tested with:
- node v4.1.2
- npm v2.14.4.
- Leap Motion SDK v2.3.1+31549
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ xorg-dev xutils xutils-dev libx11-dev libzmq3 libzmq3-dev
Install leapgim bundle:
npm install .
Run server:
cd server
npm start
Run client:
cd client
npm start
Node.js versions can be easily switched with the n package. In order to run leapgim you propably need to install it and switch node.js versions to whatever we're using for the moment.
Install n and switch node.js versions:
sudo npm install n -g sudo n 2.14.4
- Petre Tudor
- Taija Mertanen
- Timo Aho
Map hand gestures to other types of input
- Mouse control
- Keyboard control
- Custom control (evoke scripts)
- A GUI for defining gestures
A basic problem is that leap motion hand gestures provide no haptic feedback so we need to support it other ways
- Audio effects (mouse click, mouse down, button press etc)
- Visual feedback -> Some kind of status window? -> "Ghost hands" via webgl magic.. possibly? -> popup menus
Examples of use: -basic desktop usage: mouse movement, some limited keyboard support (arrow keys, page up/down), close window, switch windows. switch desktops - media usage: playback controls etc - Propellerhead use cases: -> Home automation integration -> Maybe a game control
- Git & Github
- Coffeescript
- Node.js
- Node libraries -> robot.js -> nw.js -> forever -> zmq
hands: Array
- Hand Model
- type: left|right
- position: (x,y,z)
- extendedFingers: Object
- thumb: Bool
- indexFinger: Bool
- middleFinger: Bool
- ringFinger: Bool
- pinky: Bool
- palmDirection: String
- up|down|left|right|forward|backward
- palmNormal: String
- up|down|left|right|forward|backward
- grabStrength
- 0..1
- pinch
- strength:
- 0...1
- finger: String
- thumb|indexFinger|middleFinger|ringFinger|pinky
- strength:
- Hand Model
gestures: Array
- types: swipe, circle (possibly also: key tap and screen tap)
- swipe
- direction: String
- up|down|left|right|forward|backward
- direction: String
- circle
- direction: String
- up|down|left|right|forward|backward
- progress: Float
- number of rounds for the circle gestures
- direction: String
- Movevement
- Grab
- Release
- Buttons
- Click
- Hold
- Tap
- support key combinations
- Hold
- Evoke
- Start|Stop
Actions for redirecting leapgim data to certain client, or load a new recipe set in the current receiver.
Define how Frame Model data is mapped to Action Model data.
- action
- time (sleep after)
- feedback
- sign
- valid parameters for leapgim frame model
- time (in ms)
- Sign or signs
- Action
- (optional) tear down action
- socket (zmq notation)
- refresh interval
- minConfidence
Sensitivity is implemented as a multiplier to palm coordinates. A value of 1 indicates that mouse movement is mapped to the entire field of vision of the leap motion sensor. A value lesser than 1 makes mouse movement more accurate, but limits the mouse movement area to portion of the screen. A value greater than 1 makes it so that the mouse pointer reaches screen border before palm position reaches the border of sensor read area.
A notable benefit for using a sensitivity value greater than one is that hand confidence levels drop in the edges. Forcing the user to remain in the middle of the device FOV greatly increases accuracy near screen borders.
The basic implementation is to query screen resolution and use it to map the x and y attributes of palm position into a point in screen. In addition, to make mouse movement feasible several complementary techniques should be used.
Main Repo: https://github.com/Zeukkari/leapgim
Track Main Repo from local fork: git remote add --track master leapgim [email protected]:Zeukkari/leapgim.git
Pull changes from repo: git fetch leapgim