These functions are intended to be shared among many scripts. They are built with a class based structure so object oriented programming methods can be practiced.
CLR contains various functions that allow for use with managed libraries (written C#/VB). Required for IC_SaveHelper_Class.ahk. No longer in use.
Contains functions for copying arrays and for viewing decimal and hex number arrays as strings. If this file is included, a script may access these functions through ArrFnc.[FunctionName]()
Contains expanded functions for handling or updating GUI elements. If this file is included, a script may access these functions through GUIFunctions.[FunctionName]()
is used whenever a listview is updated in order to ensure the correct listview gets updated.
IC_KeyHelper_Class helps convert keystrokes to a virtual key code which is used in SendMessage and PostMessage commands. It allows for expanded compatability for international keyboards and more control than standard Send and SendInput ahk commands.
IC_SaveHelper_Class is used for building save server call strings. Currently mainly used to force stack conversion on resets.
IC_SharedFunctionsClass has a collection of commonly used and basic functions that could be expected to be used in a script interacting with Idle Champions. This is the place to look before writing your own custom functions.
Some examples include:
- Toggles the game's autoprogress feature.
- Sends keyboard input to the game.
- Opens the game and determines when it is fully loaded.
- Closes the game. Forces it closed after 10 seconds.
- Stores UserID, Hash, InstanceID and some commonly used user data for use in server calls.
IC_UpdateClass_Class is used to overwrite AHK classes. Since AHK does not protect class fields and functions, this class can be used for simple updates to instances of the classes when they require modified functionality for addons.
IC_VersionHelper_Class contains a function which can be used to compare version numbers that are in a specific format. It is used for managing Addons properly.
IC_VersionPicker detects the currently running game instance and tries to choose the best memory pointers to work with that version based on PointerData.json.
json is a library that allows for common json functionality such as loading and saving json to files. It has been expanded from the original to include json formatting functions.
ObjRegisterActive contains various functions written primarily by ahk's lexikos that expand functionality of AHK.
creates a comobject that can be used to interact directly with the script from another script.
classMemory is a library required for any game memory interaction. All scripts rely heavily on this to read game states.
IC_ActiveEffectKeyHandler_Class is used for handling Champion Abilities
. IMPORTANT: This file also contains ActiveEffectKeySharedFunctions
which is the interface
for getting memory reads about Champion abilities. The offsets used can be found/updated in the MemoryRead\Imports\ActiveEffectHandlers\
IC_EngineSettings_Class reads data from the game's static EngineSettings object. It is used to retrieve the current server the game is connecting to.
IC_GameObjectStructure_Class is used by other memory scripts to control how offsets are created, interpreted and read. It should not need to modified, but is fundamental to how the game objects are structured.
IC_GameSettings_Class contains the offsets for the games static GameSettings object. It includes important information such as UserID, User Hash, Version, Instance ID. These memory reads are required reading data used in IC_ServerCalls_Class.ahk.
IC_IdleGameManager_Class is the first place to look to update offsets to data read from the game. It contains many offsets for things ranging from game speed to loot/chest/buffs to autoprogress to current area and just about anything in between. The offsets are based on the 32-bit (Steam) version of the game.
Important: IC_MemoryFunctions_Class is the interface that contains functions that simplify memory reading. Use this class's functions to read important information from the game. It utilizes the other classes in the diretory and simplifies their read calls. Using the functions in this file (except GenericGetValue
) is the best way to make sure addons remain compatable with Script Hub.