Support for "Login with Discord"/ Discord OAuth for FastAPI.
PIP Package fastapi-discord
You can find the Example in expamples/
from typing import List
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from fastapi_discord import DiscordOAuthClient, Unauthorized, RateLimited, User
from fastapi_discord.models import GuildPreview
app = FastAPI()
discord = DiscordOAuthClient("<client-id>", "<client-secret>", "<redirect-url>",
("identify", "guilds", "email")) # scopes
async def login():
return {
"url": discord.oauth_login_url
async def callback(code: str):
token, refresh_token = await discord.get_access_token(code)
return {
"access_token": token,
"refresh_token": refresh_token
@app.get('/authenticated', dependencies=[Depends(discord.requires_authorization)], response_model=bool)
async def isAuthenticated(token: str = Depends(discord.get_token)):
auth = await discord.isAuthenticated(token)
return auth
except Unauthorized:
return False
async def unauthorized_error_handler(_, __):
return JSONResponse({
"error": "Unauthorized"
}, status_code=401)
async def rate_limit_error_handler(_, e: RateLimited):
return JSONResponse({
"error": "RateLimited",
"retry": e.retry_after,
"message": e.message
}, status_code=429)
@app.get("/user", dependencies=[Depends(discord.requires_authorization)], response_model=User)
async def get_user(user: User = Depends(discord.user)):
return user
@app.get("/guilds", dependencies=[Depends(discord.requires_authorization)], response_model=List[GuildPreview])
async def get_guilds(guilds: List = Depends(discord.guilds)):
return guilds
Thanks to @jnawk and @nwunderly