π± WIX1002 - Include notes, questions, source code and explanation for Tutorials/ Labs (UM-WIX1002).
Here are some of the useful git commands:
git add <file/folder>
Add a change in the working directory to staging area
git add .
Add all changes made in the working directory to staging area
git status
Displays the state of the working directory and the staging area.
- https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/setting-up-a-repository
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sjqTHE0zok
Recentlt, I have lost every Lab and Tutorial in Eclipse. I just found it on Wednesday night (14/12/2022). Even more heartbreakingly, I didn't have any copy of them. Therefore, I HAVE TO REDO ALL OF THEM, besides the one I've pushed to Gitlab/ Github (i.e Lab1 ~ Lab6), .
Lab question is freakingly difficult. Problem Solving 3 is also the same.
It takes me thousand years to complete it again. TBH, I had spent more than 12 hours over the weekend to finish these sh*t. Fortunately and finally, I've conquered it on Saturday night (17/12/2022). Yeah :)
What I wanna say is that NEVER GIVE UP on answering Lab questions. Keep trying. It's quite normal to spend 30 minutes or even more (say, 1 hour and even 1 whole day) just to do ONE question. I've tried spending 2 hours just to debug and modify L10Q4.java
I attempted to use the LinkedBlockingQueue
and PriorityQueue
in L10Q4.java
in order to keep the appointment in ascending order. But none of them because:
The Iterator provided in method iterator() is not guaranteed to traverse the elements of the priority queue in any particular order. -- Java Docs
But I only come to know these after countless times of trials. Yes, I've wasted at least 3 HOURS just to do this sh*t.
So there is no need to worry about time. Everyone is just the same.
Here are some useful debugging techniques:
- Go https://stackoverflow.com/. You could find virtually all answers on it.
- Utilize https://www.google.com/. It's much more stronger than you might expect.
- Ask questions on https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/. chatGPT is extremely useful, but never overrely on it. Never let AI to restrict your imagination.
- Read others' code on https://github.com/ or https://gitlab.com/. Programmers read more than code.
- Start reading Java Documentation on https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/. It provides tools and explanations you need which will make your life simpler.
- Ask your buddy/ demo/ friends/ anyone who is good at programming.
Anyway, feel free to contact me at 017-780 9298 (Whatsapp/ Telegram) if you have any questions.
Good luck guys. You are the best.