Diablo build for modern operating systems
Decrypt video from a streaming site with MPEG-DASH Widevine DRM encryption.
SkyFireONE is a full featured (FL/OSS) emulator for "World of Worcraft: The Burning Crusades" expansion. --- View Readme for further information. ---The Public Database can be downloaded on our forum.
LegionCore for 7.3.5 26972
What is CoreTeam? based source code Mangos, Trinity, ProjectLegion, Firestorm, Ashamane support patch 8.0.1 28153
MobiusCore Legion (version Open Source MMO Framework
StrawberryCore is an open source World of Warcraft emulator for Cataclysm, based on Mangos. Supported patch: 4.3.0a (In development)
TrinityCore with extras including playerbots, ahbot, pvpranks and more. Started with vlad852's repo (last merge with tc june 25th) and merged latest with TC. Will be adding more patches as I go.
World of Warcraft - Legion (7.3.5 26972) source, based on leaked source from
searcas / TrinityCore
Forked from TrinityCore/TrinityCoreTrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework (master =, 3.3.5 = 3.3.5a.12340)
NeverlandWOW / Legends-of-Azeroth-Pandaria-5.4.8
Forked from Legends-of-Azeroth/Legends-of-Azeroth-Pandaria-5.4.8Mists of Pandaria 5.4.8 Build 18414
SkyFireONE is a full featured World of Warcraft server, including authentication, client updates, and world content serving. Compatible with World of Warcraft client 2.4.3 || Public DB is located i…
Dev Base For the Server TrueBlood
TheGhostGroup / AshamaneCoreN
Forked from Longee-G/AshamaneCoreNAshamaneCore Open Source MMO Framework (main =