Backend code (API server) for the Lokki project.
For developing the software, you will need:
- Recent version of node.js (tested with 0.10.33) – the distribution includes npm, which you will also need
- Recent version of Redis – follow installation and running instructions on Redis website
After these dependencies are installed, go to repository root and run:
$ npm install
This will install JavaScript dependencies of the project. If you have your Redis server running (on default port), you can run server with:
$ node lokki-server.js
Tests can be run with:
$ node unittest-runner.js
NOTE: Incomplete. Fill as files functions are discovered.
: node.js + express app, exposing REST API.lib/dbSetup.js
: setting up database for testing
NOTE: this seems to be outdated, but left intact for now.
User API
create new user: POST /api/user/:userId
update user info: PUT /api/user/:userId - body should have user object with fields which need to be changed, like: {name: "My new name"}
get user info GET /api/user/:userId
user updates his location: POST /api/user/:userId/location - body should have object like: {lon:22.2, lat:12.3, acc:10}
Dashboard API GET /api/user/:userId/dashboard
Family API
userId invites userId2 to his family: POST /api/user/:userId/family/invite/:userId2
userId accepts invitation from userId2: POST /api/user/:userId/family/:userId2
add or delete place. body must have place object for POST POST|DEL /api/user/:userId/family/place/:placeId
NOTE: manual_test
directory does not seem to exist – outdated section?
- manual tests are located in "manual_test" subdirectory. They test access against external services (Amazon AWS S3).
- to run them you need to set the access keys as environment variables. go to "lokki-server" folder and type "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=TheKey AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=SecretKey ./node_modules/nodeunit/bin/nodeunit manual_test/testAWSS3.js"
Lokki is available to the open source community under Apache v2 license AS IS.
This fork of the project is READ-ONLY and thus F-Secure will not respond to any pull requests, bug reports or vulnerability reports.