This example is deprecated, you should consider using the following library -
Chris Gregory has provided this sample implementation for PHP.
It's a sample implementation to illustrate chunking. It should probably not be used as-is (for example, be sure to clean file names for dot and dashes to make sure you don't allow files to escape the tempory upload directory). The script is unsupported.
* This is the implementation of the server side part of
* Flow.js client script, which sends/uploads files
* to a server in several chunks.
* The script receives the files in a standard way as if
* the files were uploaded using standard HTML form (multipart).
* This PHP script stores all the chunks of a file in a temporary
* directory (`temp`) with the extension `_part<#ChunkN>`. Once all
* the parts have been uploaded, a final destination file is
* being created from all the stored parts (appending one by one).
* @author Gregory Chris (
* @email [email protected]
* Logging operation - to a file (upload_log.txt) and to the stdout
* @param string $str - the logging string
function _log($str) {
// log to the output
$log_str = date('d.m.Y').": {$str}\r\n";
echo $log_str;
// log to file
if (($fp = fopen('upload_log.txt', 'a+')) !== false) {
fputs($fp, $log_str);
* Delete a directory RECURSIVELY
* @param string $dir - directory path
* @link
function rrmdir($dir) {
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$objects = scandir($dir);
foreach ($objects as $object) {
if ($object != "." && $object != "..") {
if (filetype($dir . "/" . $object) == "dir") {
rrmdir($dir . "/" . $object);
} else {
unlink($dir . "/" . $object);
* Check if all the parts exist, and
* gather all the parts of the file together
* @param string $dir - the temporary directory holding all the parts of the file
* @param string $fileName - the original file name
* @param string $chunkSize - each chunk size (in bytes)
* @param string $totalSize - original file size (in bytes)
function createFileFromChunks($temp_dir, $fileName, $chunkSize, $totalSize) {
// count all the parts of this file
$total_files = 0;
foreach(scandir($temp_dir) as $file) {
if (stripos($file, $fileName) !== false) {
// check that all the parts are present
// the size of the last part is between chunkSize and 2*$chunkSize
if ($total_files * $chunkSize >= ($totalSize - $chunkSize + 1)) {
// create the final destination file
if (($fp = fopen('temp/'.$fileName, 'w')) !== false) {
for ($i=1; $i<=$total_files; $i++) {
fwrite($fp, file_get_contents($temp_dir.'/'.$fileName.'.part'.$i));
_log('writing chunk '.$i);
} else {
_log('cannot create the destination file');
return false;
// rename the temporary directory (to avoid access from other
// concurrent chunks uploads) and than delete it
if (rename($temp_dir, $temp_dir.'_UNUSED')) {
} else {
//check if request is GET and the requested chunk exists or not. this makes testChunks work
$temp_dir = 'temp/'.$_GET['flowIdentifier'];
$chunk_file = $temp_dir.'/'.$_GET['flowFilename'].'.part'.$_GET['flowChunkNumber'];
if (file_exists($chunk_file)) {
header("HTTP/1.0 200 Ok");
} else
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
// loop through files and move the chunks to a temporarily created directory
if (!empty($_FILES)) foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
// check the error status
if ($file['error'] != 0) {
_log('error '.$file['error'].' in file '.$_POST['flowFilename']);
// init the destination file (format <filename.ext>.part<#chunk>
// the file is stored in a temporary directory
$temp_dir = 'temp/'.$_POST['flowIdentifier'];
$dest_file = $temp_dir.'/'.$_POST['flowFilename'].'.part'.$_POST['flowChunkNumber'];
// create the temporary directory
if (!is_dir($temp_dir)) {
mkdir($temp_dir, 0777, true);
// move the temporary file
if (!move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $dest_file)) {
_log('Error saving (move_uploaded_file) chunk '.$_POST['flowChunkNumber'].' for file '.$_POST['flowFilename']);
} else {
// check if all the parts present, and create the final destination file
createFileFromChunks($temp_dir, $_POST['flowFilename'],
$_POST['flowChunkSize'], $_POST['flowTotalSize']);