Current Version: 0.136
A flexible and tweakable theme for Pegasus Frontend. Forked from Valentin MEZIN's theme neoretrō v0.131 and Luciano Oliveira's dark variant.
Contributions are welcome
You can code and found a bug in the theme you can fix or want to add a feature to the theme? Or you can't code but want to add translations for your native language or you can provide some awsome artwork for the theme?
Simply have the courage and make a pull request
- selectable color schemes
ozone dark
- costumizable game view
- different onscreen control options
Universal (Switch like)
- different languages support
- toggleable video playback options
and more... You can find explanations for the theme settings here.
- boxFront
- screenshot
- titlescreen (fallback for screenshot)
- wheel
- background
- video
NOTE: Videos for the collection screen are not included in the theme. You can provide them by setting a default video for your collection in the Pegasus metadata of the collection. EXAMPLE:
collection: Sony Playstation 2
shortname: ps2 media/videos/default.mp4
- clean the code...
- add more language options
- add more color schemes
- revise and add new or missing backgrounds/logos for collections and manufacturers
- provide some default collection videos
- probalby need some original assets
- per collection fallback default background images
- filter by game genres / rework filtering system
- The current filter system can only map simple scenarios. An extended filtering system could make it easier to navigate through the collections. A separate filter menu in the game screen instead of the quick button switch would be needed..
- Valentin MEZIN : Creator of the original neoretrō which this theme is based on
- Luciano Oliveira : Creator of the dark color scheme for neoretrō
- HunkDeath & fansubmaniac : french translations
- RickEves : portuguese translations