Project done during Full Stack Software Engineering studies at Alx School. It aims to learn about loops (while
, until
and for
), condition statements (if
, else
, elif
and case
), shebangs and how to create SSH keys with Bash.
- Scripts written in Bash 4.3.11(1)
- Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Filename | Description |
---|---| |
File that stores a RSA public key to access servers via SSH |
1-for_holberton_school |
Displays Best School 10 times with a for loop |
2-while_holberton_school |
Displays Best School 10 times with a while loop |
3-until_holberton_school |
Displays Best School 10 times with an until loop |
4-if_9_say_hi |
Displays Best School 10 times and displays Hi for the 9th iteration |
5-4_bad_luck_8_is_your_chance |
Loops from 1 to 10 and displays Best School , except for 4th and 8th iteration which displays bad luck and good luck , respectively |
6-superstitious_numbers |
Displays numbers from 1 to 20 and displays bad luck from China , bad luck from Japan and bad luck from Italy for the 4th, 9th and 17th iteration, respectively |
7-clock |
Displays the time for 12 hours and 59 minutes |
8-for_ls |
Displays the content of the current directory in a list format |
9-to_file_or_not_to_file |
Gives information about the school file |
10-fizzbuzz |
Displays the fizzbuzz sequence |
100-read_and_cut |
Displays the content of the file /etc/passwd |
101-tell_the_story_of_passwd |
Displays the content of the file /etc/passwd with an specific message |
102-lets_parse_apache_logs |
Displays the visitor IP along with the HTTP status code from an Apache log file |
103-dig_the-data |
Groups visitors by IP and HTTP status code and displays the occurrences, from the greatest to the lowest number |