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0x0C. Web server


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Learning Objectives:bulb:

What you should learn from this project:

  • What is the main role of a web server
  • What is a child process
  • Why web servers usually have a parent process and child processes
  • What are the main HTTP requests

  • Write a Bash script that transfers a file from our client to a server:
  • .TECH Domains is one of the top domain providers. They are known for the stability and quality of their DNS hosting solution. Holberton School partnered with .TECH Domains so that you can learn about DNS.
  • Readme:
  • Configure your Nginx server to have a custom 404 page that contains the string Ceci n'est pas une page.
  • Some of my favorites:
  • Time to practice configuring your server with Puppet! Just as you did before, d like you to install and configure an Nginx server using Puppet instead of Bash. To save time and effort, you should also include resources in your manifest to perform a 301 redirect when querying /redirect_me.