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Chapter 5: Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management

A pointer in C/C++ can be used to access a specific memory location and has very good efficiency. It is one of the unique advantages of C/C++, and also is a challenging knowledge point. You must be very careful to use it. Otherwise, some bugs will tend to be introduced.


Firstly, we should understand that a pointer is a variable for an address. Like other kinds of variables, a pointer has its value, and the value is an address in the memory.

There is an operator & which can return the address of a variable or an object. If we have a variable int num = 10;, we can get the address of num by &num. So we can declare a pointer and assign an address to it.

int num = 10;
int * p1 = NULL, * p2 = NULL; // declaration two pointers, initialized to 0
p1 = # // take the address of num, assign to p1
p2 = # // take the address of num, assign to p2
*p1 = 20; // assign 20 to num
*p2 = 30; // assign 30 to num

Two pointers point to the same memory whose address is 0xABCDEF00.

In the previous source code, two pointers, p1 and p2, are declared. Both of them are assigned the address of num. It means the two pointers point to the same memory, and the two pointers regard there is an int at that position of the memory.

Another operator here is * which is for pointer dereference. It can dereference the pointer to access the object. The following two lines are equivalent since p1 is a pointer to num.

*p1 = 20;
num = 20;

Pointers can not only point to some fundamental types such as int, float, but also point to objects of structures or objects and even functions. In the following code, a structure stu is declared and initialized. Then a pointer pStu is initialized to the address of stu. The structure and the pointer are illustrated in the following figure.

Since stu is a structure, we can use the dot operator . like to access its members. We can also use the pointer of stu to do that, but the operator will be ->, not be .. is equivalent to pStu->name.

struct Student
    char name[4];
    int born;
    bool male; 
//declare and initialize a structure
Student stu = {"Yu", 2000, true};
//assign the address of stu to pStu
Student * pStu = &stu;
//change members of the structure through pointer pStu
strncpy(pStu->name, "Li", 4);
pStu->born = 2001;
(*pStu).born = 2002;
pStu->male = false;

Pointer pStu points to a structure in memory that contains three members, name, born and male.

The address values contained in pointers can be printed out as shown in the following code.

printf("Address of stu: %p\n", pStu); //C style
cout << "Address of stu: " << pStu << endl; //C++ style
cout << "Address of stu: " << &stu << endl;
cout << "Address of member name: " << &(pStu->name) << endl;
cout << "Address of member born: " << &(pStu->born) << endl;
cout << "Address of member male: " << &(pStu->male) << endl;

The address is an unsigned integer. It is a 32-bit unsigned integer on most 32-bit OS, and a 64-bit unsigned integer for most current 64-bit systems. You can run the following code to check how many bits your system uses for addresses.

cout << "sizeof(int *) = " << sizeof(int *) << endl; // 4 or 8
cout << "sizeof(Student *) = " << sizeof(Student *) << endl; // 4 or 8
cout << "sizeof(pStu) = " << sizeof(pStu) << endl; // 4 or 8

Pointers of pointers

Since a pointer is a variable, the variable will also be stored in memory and has its address. Then another pointer can point to this pointer. The figure shows the variable num in the example source code. The pointer p points to num, and the pointer pp points to p. *(*pp) = 20 will change the value of num to 20, and it is equivalent to *p = 20 and num = 20.

Pointer pp points to p, and pointer p points to num.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int num = 10;
    int * p = &num;
    int ** pp = &p;
    *(*pp) = 20;

    cout << "num = " << num << endl;

    return 0;

Constant pointers

If the const type qualifier is put before a fundamental type like const int num = 1;, the value of num cannot be changed after its initialization.

If const is put before the type name of a pointer as in the following example, you cannot change the value that the pointer points to.

int num = 1;
//You cannot change the value that p1 points to through p1
const int * p1 = &num;
*p1 = 3; //error
num = 3; //okay

But you can change the pointer itself.

p1 = &another; //okay

const can also be put between * and the name. If so, the pointer will point to that memory permanently, and cannot point to other places. But the value in that memory can be changed.

//You cannot change value of p2 (address)
int * const p2 = &num;
*p2 = 3; //okay
p2 = &another; //error

If two const are used as follows, then neither the address nor the value can be changed.

//You can change neither
const int* const p3 = &num;
*p3 = 3; //error
p3 = &another; // error

Pointers and arrays

The elements in an array are also stored in memory and have their addresses. The following code shows how to get the addresses of the first 4 elements in an array and assign them to 4 pointer variables. After printing out the addresses, you can find those addresses have an interval of sizeof(Student). Member born of the second element can be accessed by students[1].born or p1->born.

Student students[128];
Student * p0 = &students[0];
Student * p1 = &students[1];
Student * p2 = &students[2];
Student * p3 = &students[3];

printf("p0 = %p\n", p0);
printf("p1 = %p\n", p1);
printf("p2 = %p\n", p2);
printf("p3 = %p\n", p3);

//the same behavior
students[1].born = 2000;
p1->born = 2000;

The output of the previous source code on my computer is

p0 = 0x16f3d6e58
p1 = 0x16f3d6e64
p2 = 0x16f3d6e70
p3 = 0x16f3d6e7c

You can consider an array name as a pointer. The difference between an array name and a pointer is that an array can only point to the same memory. An array name can be regarded as a constant pointer to a memory location permanently.

We print the value of &students, students and &students[0], and it can be found that the three addresses are the same and are all the address of the first element in array students.

printf("&students = %p\n", &students);
printf("students = %p\n", students);
printf("&students[0] = %p\n", &students[0]);

The output of the previous source code on my computer is

&students = 0x16f3d6e58
students = 0x16f3d6e58
&students[0] = 0x16f3d6e58

If we assign an array (the address) to a pointer p, then p can be used in an array style (p[0]) to access the elements. p is a pointer to a position of the memory and regards that position as the starting address of an object. But p does not know how many elements are there. We must be very careful with the out-of-bound error.

Student * p = students;
p[0].born = 2000;
p[1].born = 2001;
p[2].born = 2002;

Since the value of a pointer is an address, an integer number, you can perform arithmetic operations on a pointer. But be careful that the address will not increase 1 after you perform p + 1. p + num or num + p points to the num-th element of the array p. p - num points to the (-num)-th element. The address value changes according to the data type. If the data type is float *, then the address will increase 4 bytes after p + 1 or p++.

int numbers[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
int * p = numbers + 1; // point to the element with value 1
p++; // point to the element with value 2

*p = 20; //change number[2] from 2 to 20
*(p-1) = 10; //change number[1] from 1 to 10
p[1] = 30; //change number[3] from 3 to 30

After the operation and assignments, the pointer and the array should be as shown in the figure.

We do not know how many elements followed the address that a pointer points to, and we also do not know if a pointer is from an integer or an integer array. The following code can be compiled successfully, but the memory accessing will be out-of-bound.

int num = 0;
int * p = &num;
p[-1] = 2; //out of bound
p[0] = 3; //okay
*(p+1) = 4; //out of bound

Allocate memory: C style

When a program is executed by the operating system (OS), the OS will allocate memory for the program. The memory for a program can be divided into 5 segments as shown in the following figure.

Different data segments of a program.

  • Code: It contains executable code. It is read-only and fixed size.
  • Data: It contains initialized static variables including global static and local static ones.
  • BSS: BSS section contains uninitialized static data.
  • Heap: It contains dynamically allocated memory. The memory allocated by malloc() or new is in this segment.
  • Stack: Local variables and call stack are stored in it.

Allocate memory: C++ style


  • allocate memory for an array string, modify elements by integer values one by one, then print out the result as a string. Please try to modify the element out of range and see what will happen.