title | cloud | service | description | library | brand | og | ||||
How to create an AWS Cloudwatch monitoring service with Pulumi |
Cloudwatch |
is a monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and the applications you run on Amazon Web Services. |
@pulumi/aws |
aws |
This reference shows how to use Pulumi to define an {{ page.cloud }} {{ page.service }} resource using pure code which can then be deployed to {{ page.cloud }} and managed as infrastructure as code.

{{ page.cloud }} {{ page.service }} {{ page.description }}. Find out more at AWS here.
The {{ page.library }}
library enables fine-grained control over the {{ page.cloud }} {{ page.service }} resource meaning it can be coded, deployed, and managed entirely in code.
const aws = require("@pulumi/aws");
const dashboard = new aws.cloudwatch.Dashboard("mydashboard", {
dashboardName: "my-dashboard",
dashboardBody: JSON.stringify({
widgets: [
type: "metric",
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 12,
height: 6,
properties: {
metrics: [
period: 300,
stat: "Average",
region: "us-east-1",
title: "EC2 Instance CPU"
type: "text",
x: 0,
y: 7,
width: 3,
height: 3,
properties: {
markdown: "Hello world"
const loginsTopic = new aws.sns.Topic("myloginstopic");
const eventRule = new aws.cloudwatch.EventRule("myeventrule", {
eventPattern: JSON.stringify({
"detail-type": [
"AWS Console Sign In via CloudTrail"
const eventTarget = new aws.cloudwatch.EventTarget("myeventtarget", {
rule: eventRule.name,
targetId: "SendToSNS",
arn: loginsTopic.arn
const logGroup = new aws.cloudwatch.LogGroup("myloggroup");
const logMetricFilter = new aws.cloudwatch.LogMetricFilter("mylogmetricfilter", {
pattern: "",
logGroupName: logGroup.name,
metricTransformation: {
name: "EventCount",
namespace: "YourNamespace",
value: "1"
const logStream = new aws.cloudwatch.LogStream("mylogstream", {
logGroupName: logGroup.name
const metricAlarm = new aws.cloudwatch.MetricAlarm("mymetricalarm", {
comparisonOperator: "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold",
evaluationPeriods: 2,
metricName: "CPUUtilization",
namespace: "AWS/EC2",
period: 120,
statistic: "Average",
threshold: 80,
alarmDescription: "This metric monitors ec2 cpu utilization"