Install torch-7 using the instructions at: Then install cudaconv2, cudnn
luarocks install ccn2 # to do cuda-convnet2 benchmarks using torch wrappers
luarocks install cudnn # to do NVIDIA CuDNN benchmarks, also have CuDNN installed on your machine
#luarocks install # to do nnBHWD benchmarks
Also install fbcunn's sync branch (I just synced from internal, pending cleanup):
For layerwise benchmarks (table in frontpage with L1,L2,L3,L4,L5) Run the benchmark using:
th layerwise_benchmarks/benchmark.lua
For imagenet-winners benchmarks Run the benchmark using:
th imagenet_winners/benchmark.lua
For imagenet-winners benchmarks of cudaconv2, look at the cudaconv2 branch: