CMS自媒体/资讯/新闻/文章应用 小程序 前端+后端 小程序 功能简介: 含文章、搜索、详情、评论、回复、点赞、收藏、分享、用户等。 uniapp编写,一键发布百度小程序、微信小程序、抖音小程序
一款在线图像标注工具(矩形、多边形、持续更新中……),可用于深度学习实例分割模型训练(Mask R-CNN)等。
PyTorch implementation of Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition.
TouchTheFish / crnn-pytorch
Forked from Holmeyoung/crnn-pytorchPytorch implementation of CRNN (CNN + RNN + CTCLoss) for all language OCR.
Pytorch implementation of CRNN (CNN + RNN + CTCLoss) for all language OCR.
Bounding box regression code in pytorch
Bounding box regression code in pytorch
Table structure recognition dataset of the paper: Complicated Table Structure Recognition
仅使用numpy从头开始实现神经网络,包括反向传播公式推导过程; numpy构建全连接层、卷积层、池化层、Flatten层;以及图像分类案例及精调网络案例等,持续更新中... ...
Practice on cifar100(ResNet, DenseNet, VGG, GoogleNet, InceptionV3, InceptionV4, Inception-ResNetv2, Xception, Resnet In Resnet, ResNext,ShuffleNet, ShuffleNetv2, MobileNet, MobileNetv2, SqueezeNet…
PyTorch re-implementation of CRNN: Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network
multi-task learning for text recognition with joint CTC-attention
[ECCV 2018] CCPD: a diverse and well-annotated dataset for license plate detection and recognition
This is code of book "Learn Deep Learning with PyTorch"
This repository implements the the encoder and decoder model with attention model for OCR
segmentation repo using pytorch
采用Pytorch的入门语义分割项目,支持的网络有Unet和Segnet;遥感语义分割;Unet;Segnet;Remote sensing semantic segmentation;
Semantic Segmentation on PyTorch (include FCN, PSPNet, Deeplabv3, Deeplabv3+, DANet, DenseASPP, BiSeNet, EncNet, DUNet, ICNet, ENet, OCNet, CCNet, PSANet, CGNet, ESPNet, LEDNet, DFANet)
Implementation of different kinds of Unet Models for Image Segmentation - Unet , RCNN-Unet, Attention Unet, RCNN-Attention Unet, Nested Unet
Image augmentation library in Python for machine learning.
Code for generating synthetic text images as described in "Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images", Ankush Gupta, Andrea Vedaldi, Andrew Zisserman, CVPR 2016.
C++ library for creating and modifying Microsoft Word (.docx) files
PyTorch implementation of the U-Net for image semantic segmentation with high quality images