Metal lathe electronic lead screw project built on top of Russian-speaking DigitalFeed ELS system by Oleg A. and contributors from
Text format for lathe parts and other objects with circular symmetry
Modular metal lathe made of CNC and 3D-printed parts
A tool that generates G-Code for Hotend Benchmarking
3D Printable accessories to add new functionality to Harbor Freight's Pittsburgh Calipers
A 6:1 Bowden and Direct Drive Extruder Platform
a small stepper powered, worm geared, direct drive extruder/toolhead system
Sherpa Mini's fat cousin, built to push filament to flowrates of 100mm^3/s
A smaller version of the sherpa extruder, direct and bowden supported
a more compact version of sherpa mini
Filament Cabinet for 1 5kg spool or 3 1kg spools
Performance-oriented, configurable gantry platform for Voron 2.4 and Trident.
Automated Filament Changer Software
Modular compact automated filament changer for klipper 3d printers
Multi zone kiln contrer based on refactoring and re-writing kiln_controller
Basic Arduino kiln controller using Adafruit MAX31855 thermocouple amplifier board and library. Power switching using solid state relay. Change ramp rate and soak temp and soak hold time parameters…
Kiln PID controller based on Espressif Systems ESP32 chip board with Arduino IDE.
Operating an electric kiln with DFR LCD keypad, Arduino microcontroller, SSR, and MAX6675 thermocouple. PlatformIO in VS Code.
Config for the control of heater temperatures linearly. Useful for controlled cooling of heated bed to prevent warping of temperature sensitive materials.