This is org-gtd 2.0.0.
Check documentation in doc/ if you’re upgrading. Please report all defects as Github issues.
Use existing tags if you’d rather stick to a pre-2.0 version.
This package tries to replicate as closely as possible the GTD workflow. This package assumes familiarity with GTD.
This package provides a system that allows you to capture incoming things into an inbox, then process the inbox and categorize each item based on the GTD categories. It leverages org-agenda to show today’s items as well as the NEXT items. It also has a simple project management system, which currently assumes all tasks in a project are sequential.
For a comprehensive instruction manual, see the documentation. Either the info file or in the doc/ directory of the repository. Upgrade information is also available therein.
(use-package! org-gtd
:after org
(setq org-edna-use-inheritance t)
(map! :leader
(:prefix ("d" . "org-gtd")
:desc "Capture" "c" #'org-gtd-capture
:desc "Engage" "e" #'org-gtd-engage
:desc "Process inbox" "p" #'org-gtd-process-inbox
:desc "Show all next" "n" #'org-gtd-show-all-next
:desc "Stuck projects" "s" #'org-gtd-show-stuck-projects))
(map! :map org-gtd-process-map
:desc "Choose" "C-c c" #'org-gtd-choose))
- used as a jail environment. Spin up with
$ HOME="dev/" emacs
. doc
- where the documentation lives
- where the tests are
If you want help, you can open an issue right on Github.
You’re also welcome to join my discord server for all conversations related to org-gtd in particular and GTD in general. Many of the ideas for org-gtd came out of my reading the GTD book, and then reading some sections multiple times, but I am in no way an expert. Defining the GTD domain, which is to say, getting to clear nomenclature with clear actions, is still a work in progress.