Tygs wants to be a Pure Python Web framework providing a sweet API for :
- easy asynchronous HTTP;
- PUB/SUB between your code on: server/server, server-client, client-client;
- RPC between your code on: server/server, server-client, client-client;
- easy task queues;
- in memory key/value store for caching and more;
- multiprocessing to bypass the GIL and still play nice and easy with the above.
For now it's nothing, since the project just started. No promises.
- Python 3.5.1+ (uses async/await);
- aiohttp
- jinja2
- aiohttp-jinja2,
- path.py
Licence: WTFPL
It is not pushed on pypi yet:
python setup.py install
Install for dev:
python setup.py develop
- Style Guide :
- Python: PEP8 (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/)
- JS: Google (http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javascriptguide.xml)
Deactivate dev mode:
python setup.py develop --uninstall
Running all tests:
python setup.py test
This can take long has it will setup the whole test env with tox, a virtualenv, etc.
You can install test dependancies manually:
pip install pytest-cov, mock, tox
And run the tests manually:
# in all envs tox # in only the current env py.test tests
After that, you can run tests covergage this way:
# cmd only coverage py.test --cov tygs tests # dump an HTML report in htmlcov dir py.test --cov-report html --cov tygs tests