Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:
xcode-select --install
Install fastlane using
[sudo] gem install fastlane -NV
or alternatively using brew install fastlane
fastlane ios clean_all_testers
fastlane ios certs
Fetches the provisioning profiles so you can build locally and deploy to your device
fastlane ios refresh_dsyms
fastlane ios refresh_beta_dsyms
fastlane ios push_certs
Fetches the push notification certificates and saves them as p12 files in push_certs/, perfect for direct upload to AWS SNS. p12 password is password.
fastlane ios icons
Generate proper icons for all build trains
fastlane ios update_strings
Download latest localization files from Lokalize
fastlane ios update_lokalise_metadata
Upload App Store Connect metadata to Lokalise
fastlane ios update_asc_metadata
Download App Store Connect metadata from Lokalise and upload to App Store Connect Connect
fastlane ios bump_build
Bump build number
fastlane ios bump_version
Bump version number
fastlane ios set_beta_version
fastlane ios ci
Continous Integration
fastlane ios test
Run tests
fastlane ios asc
Submit a new beta build to TestFlight
This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time fastlane is run. More information about fastlane can be found on The documentation of fastlane can be found on