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Create infrastructure on AWS using Terraform

The Terraform scripts will create the following infrastructure on AWS:

XNAT-AWS architecture

  • a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), a public subnet, and two private subnets
  • two EC2 instances - xnat_web and xnat_cserv for the web server and XNAT Container Service, respectively
  • an RDS instance - xnat_db - for managing the PostgreSQL database
  • an EFS instance used to store data uploaded to xnat; this volume is mounted on both the web server and Container Service server
  • security groups to manage access to the servers

Instance types

We have found that we need to use a db.t3.medium instance the database, a m4.xlarge instance for the container service, and a t3.large instance for the web server, to prevent the site from crashing when uploading data or running containers.

Note however that this is assuming only a single user is running analyses. If you have multiple users, you may need to increase the instance type for the container service, as this is where the plugin containers are run. In particular, the FastSurfer pipeline requires a lot of memory and may fail if the instance type is too small.

You can change the instance type used by changing the ec2_instance_types variable in your xnat-aws/provision/terraform.tfvars file, e.g.:

ec2_instance_types = {
  "xnat_web"   = "t3.large"
  "xnat_db"    = "db.t3.medium"
  "xnat_cserv" = "m4.xlarge"

Alternatively, you could use a GPU-enabled instance for the container service and run the GPU version of the FastSurfer pipeline (see the run_fastsurfer_gpu command). However, this will significantly drive up the costs.

You may also have to increase the amount of RAM reserved for Java (and thus XNAT) in the Ansible configuration. In the file xnat-aws/configure/group_vars/xnat.yml you would need to modify the java.mem variable, e.g.:

  Xms: "512M"
  Xmx: "16G"
  MetaspaceSize: "300M"
Notes on the infrastructure that is created

Subnets and availability zones

We create a public and private subnet in a single availability zone, and this is where all resources are deployed. However, we also create a second private subnet in a second availability zone, but nothing is deployed here.

This is due a requirement of RDS to have subnets defined in at least two availability zones, even if you're deploying in a single availability zone. but deploy instance in only two subnets in a single availability zone.

Security groups and access

We create a security group for each instance - the web server, database, and container service.

Web server security group

The web server security group allows SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS access from the IP address from which Terraform was run (i.e. your own IP address). Access is restricted for security reasons.

SSH access is required to configure the server using Ansible.

Database security group

The database security group only allows access to port 5432 (for connecting to the database). Access is limited to the web server only - all other connections will be refused.

Container Service security group

The Container Service security group allows SSH access from the IP address from which Terraform was ran. It also allows access to port 2376 (for the Container Service) from the web server only.

SSH access is required to configure the server using Ansible.

Extending access to other IP addresses

HTTP access to the web server can be extended to other IP addresses through the extend_http_cidr variable. For example, to allow access from all IP addresses, in the file xnat-aws/provision/terraform.tfvar:

extend_http_cidr = [

Similarly, SSH access to the web server and Container Service server can be extended to other IP addresses through the extend_SSH variable:

extend_ssh_cidr = [

However, extending access to all IP addresses is not recommended.


First set the necessary variables. Copy the file xnat-aws/provision/terraform.tfvars_sample to xnat-aws/provision/terraform.tfvars. You shouldn't need to change any values but may do so if you wish to e.g. use a t3.large EC2 instance for the web server.

cd provision
cp terraform.tfvars_sample terraform.tfvars

Then, to create the infrastructure on AWS run the following commands from within the xnat-aws/provision directory:

terraform init
terraform apply


After running terraform apply, the following outputs will be printed:

  • ansible_install_xnat: the command to run to configure the infrastructure with Ansible
  • xnat_web_url: the URL of the web server for logging into XNAT

See xnat-aws/configure/ for notes on running the XNAT installation.

Destroy the infrastructure

To destroy the infrastructure, type:

terraform destroy


As part of the setup, we provide an AppStream 2.0 instance to access the files stored on the EFS volume. This allows exploring the files used and generated by XNAT and run external software on the data. By default, the AppStream image has FSL installed.

The AppStream image is only created if the create_appstream variable is set to true. When running terraform apply, the user will be prompted to enter a value for this variable. Alternatively, you can use

terraform apply -var 'create_appstream=true'

to skip the prompt.


Name Version
terraform >=0.15
terraform >= 1.1.4
aws >= 5.30.0


Name Version
aws 5.84.0
local 2.5.1


Name Source Version
appstream n/a
database ./modules/database n/a
efs ./modules/efs n/a
get_ami ./modules/get_ami n/a
get_my_ip ./modules/get_my_ip n/a
setup_vpc terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws n/a
web_server ./modules/web-server n/a


Name Type
aws_key_pair.key_pair resource
aws_security_group_rule.appstream_allow_all_outgoing resource
local_file.ansible-hosts resource


Name Description Type Default Required
as2_desired_instance_num Number of instances to use for the AppStream image number 1 no
as2_image_name Name of the AppStream image string "IDEAS-FSL-AmazonLinux2-EFSMount-2023-08-30" no
as2_instance_type Instance type to use for the AppStream image string "stream.standard.medium" no
availability_zones AZs to use for deploying XNAT list(string)
aws_region AWS region to use for deploying XNAT string "eu-west-2" no
create_appstream Whether to create an AppStream image bool false no
ec2_instance_types Instance type to use for each server map(any)
"xnat_cserv": "m4.xlarge",
"xnat_db": "db.t3.large",
"xnat_web": "t3.large"
extend_http_cidr The CIDR blocks to grant HTTP access to the web server, in addition to your own IP address list(string) [] no
extend_https_cidr The CIDR blocks to grant HTTSP access to the web server, in addition to your own IP address list(string) [] no
extend_ssh_cidr CIDR blocks servers should permit SHH access from, in addition to your own IP address list(string) [] no
instance_os OS to use for the instance - will determine the AMI to use string "rocky9" no
instance_private_ips Private IP addresses for each instance map(any)
"xnat_cserv": "",
"xnat_web": ""
root_block_device_size Storage space on the root block device (GB) number 30 no
smtp_private_ip Private IP address to use to the SMTP mail server string "" no
subnet_cidr_blocks CIDR block for the VPC and subnets map(any)
"private": [
"public": [
vpc_cidr_block CIDR block for the VPC string "" no


Name Description
ansible_install_xnat Run this command from the xnat-aws/configure directory to install and configure XNAT.
xnat_web_url Once XNAT has been installed and configured, the web server will be accessible at this URL.