Ubuntu with Sway Wayland compositor
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This project is an attempt to provide a user-friendly desktop based on Sway - a popular tiling window manager (compositor) using the modern Wayland graphics stack. Ubuntu Sway Remix is great for both beginners who want to get familiar with the keyboard-oriented interface of tiling window managers and advanced GNU/Linux users who want a powerful, user-friendly and minimalistic interface. Ubuntu Sway contains popular console-based applications and utilities (CLI) along with graphical user interface (GUI) applications to meet the needs of most users.
- Solid Ubuntu base
- No Snap's!
- Very cool tiling Wayland compositor with amazing community
- Lightweight, easy to install, simple to use
- Popular console-based apps along with GUI apps
- Many customizations for comfortable use of Sway
- Ready to use out of the box
Apps included:
- Azote
- Autotiling
- Cliphist
- Engrampa
- Firefox
- Flatpak
- Foot
- Gimp
- GNOME Packagekit
- Gparted
- Greetd
- Grimshot
- htop
- Kanshi
- Khal
- Kitty
- LibreOffice
- MATE Calc
- Neovim
- nwg-wrapper
- nwg-drawer
- nwg-look
- Pavucontrol
- Pluma
- Poweralertd
- Pulsemixer
- Swayimg
- Ranger
- Thunderbird
- Tuigreet
- Ubuntu Driver Manager
- Waybar
- Waypipe
- Wayvnc
- Wdisplays
- wf-recorder
- wlr-randr
- wlogout
- Zathura
Config files:
~/.config/sway/config - common config that includes all user and system config's
~/.config/sway/config.d/ - user defined config's (put your config's here to overwrite system's one)
~/.config/sway/variables.d/ - user defined variables for defalut apps and settings (put your own variables here)
~/.config/waybar/ - Waybar config's
/etc/sway/config.d/ - system config's for autostart applications and settings
/etc/sway/modes/ - system default modes for Sway (keybindings)
/etc/sway/outputs/ - system default settings for output configuration
/etc/sway/inputs/ - system default settings for input devices
/etc/sway/variables - system default variables for default apps and settings
/usr/share/sway/scripts/ - scripts for weather inficator, WOB indicator, etc.
/usr/share/themes/yaru-sway/ - theme and color settings