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The Wiki is currently under construction and therefor incomplete. We would appreciate if you contribute or point out mistakes, so the Wiki slowly and steady fills up.
If you've banned their IP, for the time being you would need to edit palguard.json file and either reload the config or restart the server. If you've banned their account, you would need to remove their steamID from Pal\Saved\SaveGames\banlist.txt and restart the server afterwards.
Make sure you have added your IP to palguard.json like shown on the picture. Alternatively, you can set useAdminWhitelist to false, but that is not recommended, since cheaters are known to have some kind of exploit to obtain admin password.
Ensure you haven't messed up in palguard.json file, try deleting in and starting server again. If that doesn't helps and this is your first time using PalGuard, I'd suggest trying installing VC++ redistributable.
Please use Windows Terminal (or any alternative with proper unicode support) instead of default windows console.
Send your \Pal\Saved\Crashes\*random numbers*\CrashContext.runtime-xml
file + palguard version used + log from Pal\Binaries\Win64\logs
folder in bug-reports channel on discord.