📆All-Projects-in-CUG 这个仓库展示了我大学阶段中值得记录的作业。大多数项目是从大二开始整理的,大三的时候最多。 This repository shows all my valuable homework during college life. Most of them has been started since sophomore and I did a lot in my Junior. Sophomore Projects 基于A*算法的贪吃蛇 (Greedy Snake Based on A Star) 基于舞蹈链算法的数独 (Sudoku Based on Dancing Links) Junior Projects 人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence) 软件体系结构 (Software Architecture) 软件工程综合实习 (Comprehensive Practice of Software Engineering) 地理信息系统 & 大数据 (Geographical Information System & Big Data)