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Starred repositories
A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
🛠️⚡ Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.
Mini projects built with HTML5, CSS & JavaScript. No frameworks or libraries
Create HTML presentations in seconds —
🎉 Generate CSS for your Neumorphism designs
jQuery Plugin Date and Time Picker
Acode - powerful text/code editor for android
Django admin CKEditor integration.
The frontend for the Open Event API Server https://test.eventyay.com
The Nature of Code book (archived repo, see README for new repo / build system!)
A starting point for web-based VR experiences that work on all VR headsets.
An abstraction layer for webRTC. Aim is to simplify the HTML5 web standard webRTC in a similar manner to socket.io w/ websockets. Highly experimental technology
📦 A super collection of A-Frame components.
✨ Awesome - A curated list of amazing Bootstrap tools and themes.
Curated list of framework component libraries for UI styles/toolkit
GitHub profile readme generator allows you to create nice and simple GitHub profile readme files that will be included in your profile previews.
a library for adding declarative ajax functionality to your website
A jQuery plugin that allows you dynamically add new forms to a rendered django formset.
Chained Selects for jQuery and Zepto
Generic, light-weight & extensible Workflow Engine for agile automation of Business Processes | Django, Python
Physics system for A-Frame VR, built on CANNON.js.
Django Class Based Views to generate Ajax charts js parameters.