/play <reply/url>
- Youtube url/play <reply audio>
- Song file to play song/play <song name>
- Play song you requested/song <song name>
- Download songs you want/search <query>
- Search videos on youtube with details@botusername <query>
- Get youtube url by inline
- Pause song play/resume
- Resume song play/skip
- Play next song/end
- Stop music play/cleandb
- Clear all files/userbotjoin
- Add assistant/userbotleave
- Remove assistant
- Restart bot/gcast <text/reply>
- Broadcast to groups (auto pinned)/broadcast <text>
- Broadcast to groups (without pinned)/exec <code>
- Excute a code/userbotleaveall
- remove assistant of all groups
- Recomended use Europe server for deploy on Heroku
NOTE: Select P for pyrogram string
- UserLazy: Dev
- Laky & Andrew: PyTgCalls
- Oda Nobunaga: Bot