is a refactoring and enhancement of cluster_utils
and the latter has been deprecated now. We make it more user-friendly oriented, add some new features, and decouple it for easier future extension.
This tool enumerate all files from the given root directory and treat them all as traces. A trace file is a UTF-8 encoded multi-line plain-text file with any legal file name, in which each line has a hexadecimal address value prefixed with 0x. In addition, line breaks are compatible across platforms. You can browse trace_file_example.txt
to understand this file structure.
If you have ground-truth class info about each trace for evaluation, we highly recommend that you attach these class tags to the trace-file-path in a pattern that single regex expression can match, so that values for some metrics, such as purity and F1-measure, will be automatically calculated and written to the report. For example, place some corresponding traces in directory CVE-1234-12345
and CVE-5678-67890
. Then place the two folders in a so-called root directory all_traces
. Set parameter --benchmark
with CVE-\d{4}-\d{5}
additionally and run, you will get a report contains some useful scores.
The traces found would be read and analysed one by one. Finally a report file with JSON format would be saved in the destination folder you specified.
According to paper of Igor: there is a heuristic to decide if we need to repeat clustering based on the number of full-length crash call stacks: for less than 20 call stacks, running the clustering process once suffices, while for more than 20 call stacks, we cluster twice.
You probably need to parse the report, place the traces into different folders by cluster, and then decide whether to repeat clustering. Otherwise, if you run only once, the report may not contain good results you expect.
In our latest research, we have designed a new improvement scheme, which can effectively replace this fussy heuristic in some cases. We plan to merge the code into current branch in the future.
According to DCFG by Intel, strictly speaking, the Graph we build from trace is a Dynamic Control-Flow Graph, which is a specialized CFG that adds data from a specific execution of a program. We can use NetworkX, igraph, or graphviz to describe this directed graph in python, and which package to use depends on the requirements of Graph Kernel package and rendering performance.
Class DCFG
is base class which implements some common methods for parsing a trace file. Regardless of how the specific graph package uniquely identifies each node internally, we use integers which are decimal conversion of hexadecimal address in the trace to do this. The finally built Graph object will be stored in its attribute DCFG_RAW
Classes that implement concrete DCFG-build-methods inherits DCFG
. Each of them has methods construct_dcfg
and return_dcfg
. After creating an instance of DCFG
, call construct_dcfg
first to build and then call return_dcfg
to receive the graph object.
means Graph Kernel Algorithm, which can be intuitively understood as functions measuring the similarity of pairs of graphs. You can read his papers for more details about the properties of different kernels and how to choose one according to your needs.
Currently we use GraKeL to calculate graph similarity. Base class GKA
and its inherited class GKA_GraKeL
implement this. You create an instance of GKA_GraKeL
, call its method add_dcfg
on each of the DCFG items, then call method apply_<Kernel Name>_Kernel
, and finally call get_matrix
to receive the Similarity Matrix.
We implement the classes for removing outliers, clustering and the methods about calculating some evaluation metrics, and use a list of strings to describe clustering results.
It is currently built on scikit-learn and you can view its usage in
The components above is for internal use and it is recommended not to use them before fully understanding the source code.
is the entrace of this tool. It takes command-line arguments and does all the relevant stuff for you.
We internally maintain an ordered list of absolute file path strings of all traces. Two ordered lists of Cluster-ID strings and Class-Tag strings (if they exist) are created with same correspondence with each trace. For example:
trace_files = ["/tmp/t/CVE-1234-12341_FNg", "/tmp/t/CVE-1234-12342_MUA"]
class_tags = ["CVE-1234-12341", "CVE-1234-12342"]
cluster_tags = ["0", "1"]
A small number of outliers will have an impact on the clustering results. And picking them out for special treatment rather than adding them to the clustering process does not have a decisive impact on crash deduplication. According to this, one efficient way of performing outlier detection in high-dimensional datasets is to use random forests. We apply
to do this. When the proportion of outliers is more or equal thanoutlier_ratio
, we assert that all samples should be clustered.
The file name is defined by "report_" and a unix timestamp (ms) string. The file content is a JSON Object. It has 3 keys in toplevel:
(if exists). Value ofResult
is a JSON Object contains<Cluster-ID str>
/<JSON Array of trace-file-path str>
pairs. Value ofScore
is a JSON Object contains<metric name>
/float value
pairs. Value ofOutlier
is a JSON Array contains the path of those outliers. We give an example of the report:report_1655262593759_example.json
This tool is written in Python and requires a minimum version of 3.6.9
. We highly recommend to use a virtual environment to install these dependencies via pip
numpy (>= 1.19.5)
matplotlib (>= 3.3.4)
sklearn (>= 0.24.2)
networkx (>= 2.5.1)
grakel (>= 0.1.8)
$ python3 -i "<traces dir>" -o "<output reports dir>" --benchmark "<regex matching ground-truth class string>" --outlier "<outlier ratio value>"