- The phone interview was 45 minutes long.
- I was asked to code this in Google Docs so I could not run my code
- What is deadlock
- What can you not do with a class with private constructor
- What is finally block
- How does hashmap work
- What should be a concerns when you are designing the hashmap
- Differnce between deep copy and shallow copy
What is wrong in the below code:
public override int GetHashCode(List<string> listA, bool isA){
return IsA.GetHashCode()*31 + listA.GetHashCode();
- Write a function to see if there is any duplicate character in the string.
- The string will contain only ascii characters.
- The function should have a time complexity of O(n) and space complexity of O(1).
is a Dictionary which is thread safe. -
function is costly. -
What is wrong in the below code when multiple threads execute
function at the same time:ConcurrentDictionary<ComputeParams, double> _resultCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<ComputeParams, double>(); public double Compute(ComputeParams params){ double result; if (_resultCache.TryGetValue(params, out result)) return result; var result = DoCompute(params); _resultCache[params] = result; return result; } double DoCompute(ComputeParams params){ // calculate }