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Join a time-traveling adventure where you meet history’s legends while learning Generative AI technologies! ✨
Building Persistable One-to-One Chat Using Spring Boot and WebSockets
ChattyUI - your private AI chat for running LLMs in the browser
novel 是一套基于时下最新 Java 技术栈 Spring Boot 3 + Vue 3 开发的前后端分离学习型小说项目,配备保姆级教程手把手教你从零开始开发上线一套生产级别的 Java 系统,由小说门户系统、作家后台管理系统、平台后台管理系统等多个子系统构成。包括小说推荐、作品检索、小说排行榜、小说阅读、小说评论、会员中心、作家专区、充值订阅、新闻发布等功能。
An Android app which provides design news & inspiration as well as being an example of implementing material design.