RoboMaster Tello Talent ROS Driver. Developed by Tianbot
RoboMaster TT (also know as DJI Tello Talent or Ryze Tello Talent) features improved hardware and an LED light. RoboMaster TT suports Wi-Fi 5G channel and a flying map, which can be used for low-cost drone swarm.
Items | Details |
Model | TLW004 |
Weight | 87 g |
Max Speed | 28.8 kph |
Max Flight Time | 13 min |
Camera | 2592×1936 |
Battery | LiPo |
Capacity | 1100 mAh |
Voltage | 3.8 V |
Only support authorized devices and the environment is pre-configured in ROS2GO Noetic version.
Please read the RoboMaster TT User Manual carefully. Switch RoboMaster TT to direct connection mode, connect to RMTT-XXXXXX network.
roslaunch rmtt_driver rmtt_bringup.launch
Published topics:
~imu_data [sensor_msgs/Imu] imu data.
~pose [geometry_msgs/PoseStamped] Drone pose on the mission pad.
~mission_pad_id [std_msgs/UInt8] Mission pad id. 1 - 12.
~image_raw/compressed [sensor_msgs/CompressedImage] Compressed image topic.
~image_raw [sensor_msgs/Image] Image topic.
~camera_info [sensor_msgs/CameraInfo] RMTT camera info.
~tof_btm [sensor_msgs/Range] Bottom tof. Distance from drone to the ground.
~tof_ext [sensor_msgs/Range] External tof. Distance to the obstacle in front of the drone.
~altitude [std_msgs/Float32] Barometer readings.
~battery [std_msgs/Float32] Battery percentage.
Subscribed topics:
~cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist] Command velocity. Only be effected after taking off.
~takeoff [std_msgs/Empty] Takeoff.
~land [std_msgs/Empty] Land.
~flip [std_msgs/Empty] Flip.
~led [std_msgs/ColorRGBA] Led on top of the external module.
~mled [std_msgs/String] Dot matrix display. Showing charactor or string.
The ROS driver is prietary. Other packages are under BSD Clause-3 open source license. RoboMaster SDK is under Apache License, version 2.0.