Generalized Test Tables ensures safety in automation software.
- Authors:
- Alexander Weigl [email protected]
- License: GPL v3
- 0.6.0: not released yet
duration- Reintroduction blocks
- Empty cells copies has the value from the cell above.
If no cell above (first row), it is don't-care
- 0.5.0-alpha: not released
- new automata model
- different verification techniques (IC3, BMC, LTL)
- 0.4.4: geteta-0.4.4-exe.jar
- Fix a bug in the clocks.
- 0.4.3: geteta-0.4.3-exe.jar
- Change clock initial value to 1 as off-by-one error
- 0.4.2: geteta-0.4.2-exe.jar
- Kills nuXmv, if geteta is killed
- depends on new version of
- 0.4.1: geteta-0.4.1-exe.jar
- bug fixes: missing constraint on free variables are treated as don't cares
- If a free variable is an enum, every allowed enum literal is allowed (super-enum to rule them all).
- 0.4.0: geteta-0.4.0-exe.jar
- Counter examples in the semantic of traces in the test table
- 0.3.0: geteta-0.3.0-exe.jar
- enum support tested and fixed
- 0.2.2-beta: geteta-0.2.2-beta.jar
- better nuxmv output parser
- 0.2.1-beta: geteta-0.2.1-beta.jar
- Internal changes
- 0.2.0: geteta-0.2.0.jar
$ git clone
$ mvn package
Ensure, that you have installed nuXmv.
You need to set the NUXMV
environment variable to the nuXmv executable.
export NUXMV=/home/weigl/work/nuXmv-1.1.1-Linux/bin/nuXmv
After this, you can call geteta with:
java -jar geteta-${project.version}.jar -c -t testtable.xml [-x]
geteta writes the output in an XML format.-m <mode>
-t <table.xml>
-c <>
A test table describe a behaviour of a reactive system by ensuring allowed input and output values for specific time frames.
A system is conform to a test table if and only if the system response with the corresponding (after the test table) output sequence given a valid sequence of input values.
The test tables are serialized into XML, following the scheme
of exteta-1.0.xsd
The XML contains three parts under the root element.
These tag contains the two types of variables: i/o and constraint.
Name | Description |
identifier | variable identifier |
io | input or output |
data-type | IEC61131-3 builtin datatype. Currently supported: AnyInt and AnyBit |
- I/O variables talk about the the input and output variables of the given program.
Constraint variables (specification variable) are not visible to the program.
Name | Description |
identifier | variable identifier |
constraint | a valid cell expression |
data-type | IEC61131-3 builtin datatype. Currently supported: AnyInt and AnyBit |
The <steps>
tag contains the row (<step>
) of the test tables.
Each row the value of the cells (cell expressions) in the order of the defined i/o variables.
You repeat a bunch of steps, by wrapping them into a region block.
A region and step tag has the duration
attribute, which defines how often the step is applied.
The duration
is an interval [m,n]
with constant values for m,n
Formally, a cell expression is generated by the grammar. Informally, a cell expression is a boolean expression over the following operators
- arithmetic
+, -, *, /
- logical
and, or, xor
The syntax and semantic, e.g. the operator precedence is
tight on the definition of Structured Text and SMV (nuXmv).
For example, OR
and |
is allowed for logical or.
Additionally, we introduce abbreviations.
- Constants
A simple constant means the equivalence with this value.
means X = 5
is NOT X
- Single-sided comparison
A construct with a relational operator, <,<=,<>,=, >=, >
compares the column variable X
with the given expression.
Example: <1
means X<1
resp. >=a+2
expands to X>=a+2
- Interval
You can specify an interval [m,n]
to enforce a
lower and upper bound for X
: m<=X & X>=n
Example: [x+2, x+4]
means (x+2) <= X <= (x+4)
- Don't-Care
If you don't want to force a value, you can use "don't-care" -
- constants and variable names
- parens
and unary operators! NOT -
- point operators
MOD % / *
- Substraction and Addition
+ -
- Comparision
< <= >= >
- equality
- antivalence
- logical and
- logical or
| OR
- logical xor
xor XOR
Options are key-value pairs of the kind <option key="" value=""/>
They give additional information for the processing of the given table.
Currently allowed options:
In dependence of mode = CONCRETE_TABLE
you can
give the wanted cycle count for each step.
- Keys:
- Value:
where <id>
is the number of the region/step
(starting with zero, in order of appearance).
You can select the bit width of the ST data types. currently not implemented
Between this tag you can define arbitrary function as Structured Text code. These function are usable within the cell expressions as regular function calls.
- gotos
- conditionals
- User-defined integer bit widths
- CI tests with nuxmv
- load options via a properties file