- Fortaleza,Brazil
(UTC -03:00)
- Pro
stormify Public
Forked from teras/stormifyStormify is a lightweight and flexible Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Java and Kotlin. It simplifies database interactions by allowing you to perform CRUD operations with minimal confi…
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 26, 2024 -
eromdir Public
Forked from jimmikaelkael/eromdirPS2 erom dump files extractor. The goal this program is to allow to list files from an Encrypted PlayStation2 ROM dump file. It simply does what the PS2 does to access the 'erom' filesystem.
C Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License UpdatedAug 28, 2024 -
z.2020-10-22.postgres-xl-docker Public
Forked from tiredpixel/postgres-xl-docker⚠️ postgres xl docker with fixed upstream and buildable on recent gcc versionsShell MIT License UpdatedJul 18, 2023 -
Postgres-xl-fix Public
A fixed postgres xl so it can compile on newer versions of GCC and glibc
C Other UpdatedJun 18, 2023 -
ComputerGraphics-2020 Public
Implementing a Raycaster for the computer graphics class
AlcoolOuGasolina Public
Forked from windcarvalho/AlcoolOuGasolinaTarefa simples de cicloc de vida
Kotlin UpdatedMay 22, 2023 -
assemblyvoting Public
Um sistema que consiste em um contabilizador de votos de uma assembleia
Java UpdatedFeb 9, 2023 -
OPL-Server Public
Forked from elmariolo/OPL-ServerA dedicated SAMBA (SMBv1 Protocol) Server for OPL
C# UpdatedFeb 7, 2023 -
PyMJC Public
Forked from lincolnrocha/PyMJCPyMJC: Python MiniJava Compiler
Python UpdatedJul 21, 2022 -