You can use the regular migration Artisan commands.
Blueprint commands are executed sequentially and non-transactional(!)
You can add ArangoDB's collection config options to the create method.
Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $collection) {
}, [
'type' => 3, // 2 -> normal collection, 3 -> edge-collection</li>
'waitForSync' => true, // if set to true, then all removal operations will instantly be synchronised to disk / If this is not specified, then the collection's default sync behavior will be applied.</li>
See the ArangoDB Documentation for all options
Within the collection blueprint you can create indexes. ArangoDB knows the following types:
Type | Purpose | Blueprint Method |
Hash | Exact matching | $collection->hashIndex($attributes, $indexOptions = []) |
Persistent | Ranged matching | $collection->persistentIndex($attributes, $indexOptions = []) |
Geo | Location matching | $collection->geoIndex($attributes, $indexOptions = []) |
TTL | Auto-expiring documents | $collection->ttlIndex($attributes, $indexOptions = []) |
Fulltext * | (Partial) text matching | $collection->fulltextIndex($attribute, $indexOptions = []) |
- Instead of fulltext indices you'll probably want to use ArangoSearch ArangoDB's powerful search engine.
See the ArangoDB Documentation for more information
Use $collection->dropIndex($attributes, $type)
to drop an index from within a Blueprint.
ArangoDB is schemaless so you can't create attributes. However you can perform some operations on attributes in existing documents.
deletes the attribute(s) in all documents within the collection.
Checks for the usage (! null) of the the attribute(s) in any document within the collection.
renameAttribute($from, $to)
renames the attribute in all documents within the collection.
You can create, edit or delete an ArangoDB view.
Schema::createView($viewName, $options);
Schema::createView($viewName, $options);