- 单仓库多应用
- 依赖注入
- 自动代码生成
- 单元测试
- 高内聚低耦合
go install -v github.com/google/wire/cmd/wire@latest
go install -v github.com/vektra/mockery/v2@latest
go install -v github.com/bufbuild/buf/cmd/buf@latest
git clone https://github.com/douyu/jupiter-layout
cd jupiter-layout
$ go run ./cmd/exampleserver --config config/exampleserver-local-live.toml
2022/05/11 15:57:51 read config: config/exampleserver-local-live.toml
2022/05/11 15:57:51 load config successfully
2022/05/11 15:57:51 hook config, init loggers
2022/05/11 15:57:51 reload default logger with configKey: jupiter.logger.default
2022/05/11 15:57:51 reload default logger with configKey: jupiter.logger.jupiter
2022/05/11 15:57:51 hook config, init runtime(governor)
2022/05/11 15:57:51 hook config, init registry
2022/05/11 15:57:51 hook config, read registry config failed: jupiter.registry: invalid key, maybe not exist in config
2022/05/11 15:57:51 hook config, init sentinel rules
2022/05/11 15:57:51 load config from datasource[config/exampleserver-local-live.toml] completely!
(_)_ _ _ __ (_) |_ ___ _ __
| | | | | '_ \| | __/ _ \ '__|
| | |_| | |_) | | || __/ |
_/ |\__,_| .__/|_|\__\___|_|
|__/ |_|
Welcome to jupiter, starting application ...
1652255874 INFO init listen signal {"mod": "app", "event": "init"}
⇨ http server started on
1652255875 INFO start server {"mod": "app", "event": "init", "name": "exampleserver", "addr": "grpc://", "scheme": "grpc"}
1652255875 INFO start server {"mod": "app", "event": "init", "name": "exampleserver", "addr": "", "scheme": "http"}
$ curl "localhost:9527?name=bob"
{"error":0,"msg":"请求正常","data":{"message":"hello wolrd"}}
$ buf lint --path api
$ golangci-lint run